AbstractBell states play an important role in quantum information and quantum communication. In thispaper we propose an architecture for realizing the perfect state transfer of the Bellstates with asingle basic operation. This architecture,...
Abstract JC model is widely applied in the field of quantum information. We propose a way to simulateJC model with linear optical devices. For the case of a two-level atom resonantly interacting witha cavity, the state transformation of th...
Generating double NOON states of photons in circuit QED电路QED中光子双中午态的产生...
On Cultural Identity Construction from the Perspective of Cultural Translation: Exemplified by The Joy Luck club英语论文从《喜福会》看文化翻译中的文化身份构建...
A Study on David Hawkes’ Translation of the Dietetic Culture in The Story of the Stone,英语论文霍克斯对《红楼梦》中的饮食文化翻译...
Study on the Application of the Flipped Classroom A Case of Elementary English Teaching,英语论文基于小学英语教学翻转课堂应用研究...
Transformations of Wang Qiming’s Social Values in A Native of Beijing in New York,英语论文从“北京人在纽约”看王起明社会价值观的转变...
The Cooperative Learning in an English Class for Junior High Students,英语论文初中英语课堂中的合作学习...
Attitudes towards Ageing in May Sarton’s At Seventy,英语论文梅萨藤《七十岁日记》中对于衰老的态度...
The Victim and Conspirator of Patriarchy An Analysis of Mary in The Grass Is Singing,英语论文《野草在歌唱》中玛丽的分析父权主义的受害者与共谋者...