A Study of Matching Between English Teaching Styles and Learning Styles in Junior High Schools,英语论文初中英语教学风格与学习风格匹配状况的调查研究...
Syntactic Priming During Sentence Production Among Three- to Five-year-old Chinese Children: Evidence from Concrete and Abstract Nouns,英语论文具体词汇和抽象词汇三至五岁儿童的句子产出中的句法启动...
On Metaphor Translation in Fortress Besieged from Cultural Perspective,英语论文从文化的角度看《围城》英译版隐喻的翻译...
The Negative Effects on the Underachievers Caused By Games in English Class A Case Study of two classes, Grade 7 in Hangzhou No.15 Middle School,英语论文英语课堂游戏对后进生的负面影响...
The Effects of Natural Scenes in Wuthering Heights,英语论文论《呼啸山庄》中环境描写的作用...
The Application of Games in Children's English Teaching英语论文游戏在幼儿英语教学中的应用...
Reading Tess from the Legal Perspective,英语论文从法律角度解读《苔丝》...
Teaching Robert Frost:A Case Study of Using Poetry in College Integrated English Class,英语论文以罗伯特·弗罗斯特为例-浅析诗歌在综合英语课程中的应用...
Study on the Lead-in Methods in Middle School English Teaching – Based on the videos of the 8th National Middle School English Teaching Competition,英语论文初中英语课堂导入分析...
Conversational Strategies In Conflict Talk Affected By Power Relations--A Case Study Of Dialogues In Downton Abbey,英语论文《唐顿庄园》权势关系影响下应对冲突性话语的会话策略研究...