A Study on Non-english Majors’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies,英语论文非英语专业学生词汇学习策略研究...
Embodiment of Culture-loaded Words in Movie Subtitle Translation--A Study on Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon from Skopostheorie,英语论文文化负载词在电影字幕翻译中的体现--从目的论角度看《卧虎藏龙》...
Input Hypothesis and the Development of the English Reading Abilities by Chinese Middle School Students,英语论文输入假说与初中生英语阅读能力发展...
Student teacher’s classroom assessment in primary school English teaching,英语论文实习教师在小学英语教学中的课堂评价能力...
A Study on the Effects of Class Rewards in Primary School English Learning,英语论文课堂奖励机制对于小学生英语学习的影响...
The Study of Battles in Tennessee in the book “Gone with the Wind”,英语论文《飘》对田纳西州战争的研究...
On the Translation of Bird Images in Chinese Classical Poetry from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory,英语论文从功能对等理论谈中国古典诗词中鸟意象的翻译...
The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Class of Junior High School英语论文图式理论在初中英语阅读教学中的运用...
On the Awakening of Southern Women’s Self-consciousness in Gone with the Wind,英语论文《飘》南方妇女自我意识的觉醒...
A Study of the Influence of Musical Intelligence On English Language Pronunciation Among College Students,英语论文音乐智能对大学生英语发音影响的实证研究...