The Application of English Picture Book in Primary School English Teaching,英语论文绘本阅读在小学英语教学中的应用...
A Study on Metaphor Translation from the Perspective of German Functionalist Translation Theory in Fortress Besieged英语论文从功能翻译理论角度看《围城》中的隐喻翻译...
An Analysis of First Person Narration’s Role in Conveying Feminist Themes in The Yellow Wallpaper ,英语论文第一人称叙述对于《黄色壁纸》女权主义主题的揭示作用...
A Study of the Relationship between Teachers and Students in American Movies Take Mona Lisa Smile, Dead Poets Society, Mr. Holland's Opus and Dangerous Minds as Examples,英语论文美国电影中师生关系的研究《蒙娜丽莎的微笑...
A Study of the Effects of Narrative Interventions on Story Retelling Among Junior Middle School Students,英语论文叙述干预对初中生复述能力影响的研究...
On C-E Translation of Chinese Martial Arts Movie Titles From the Perspective of Functionalism,英语论文从功能主义角度分析中国武术类电影标题的翻译...
The Application of Affective Factors in Junior High School English Classes: Case Studies,英语论文初中英语课堂中关于情感因素的应用与案例分析...
Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animal Idiom,英语论文中英动物词习语的文化内涵与翻译...
A Cognitive Comparison on "shallow" in English and “Qian”(浅) in Chinese,英语论文“shallow”和汉语“浅”的空间隐喻对比分析...
The Study on Games along with the Interactive English Approach in Primary School,英语论文交互性教学方法下对小学英语教学中游戏的研究...