A Pragmatic Analysis on the Discourse Marker Well in Modern Family,英语论文摩登家庭中的话语标记语Well语用功能分析...
The Effect of Mind Mapping Technique on English Word Memory among Primary School Students,英语论文思维导图对于小学生英语单词记忆影响的研究...
A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of Kong Yiji from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence,英语论文功能对等视角下《孔乙己》两英译本比较研究...
The Effect of Story Telling on Oral English Teaching in Primary School,英语论文小学故事教学对英语口语教学的影响...
The Choice of Multicultural Content in English Textbooks in Junior High School,英语论文初中英语教科书中多元文化内容选择的分析...
The Influence of FI/FD Style of English Learning in Grade 7,英语论文场独立与场依存性对初一英语学习的影响...
A Comparison Analysis of Greetings in Chinese, Uighur and English,英语论文汉语维语英语问候语对比分析...
The Application of Conceptual Metaphor to Junior High School English Vocabulary Teaching,英语论文概念隐喻在中学英语词汇教学中的应用...
On Howard Goldblatt’s Translation from the Perspective of Translator’s Cultural Identity: Taking the Translation of Shifu, You’ll Do Anything for a Laugh as an Example,英语论文《师傅越来越幽默》文化身份角度谈葛浩文...