An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Marguerite Gautier in The Lady of the Camellias,英语论文浅析《茶花女》中玛格丽特的人生悲剧...
On Aesthetic Representation of Zhang Peiji’s Selected Modern Chinese Essays 1,英语论文从翻译美学的角度看张培基《英译中国现代散文选(一)》的审美再现...
An Analysis of the Typical Womanist Images in The Color Purple,英语论文试析《紫色》中典型的妇女主义形象...
Application of Politeness Principle in International Business Negotiation,英语论文国际商务英语谈判中礼貌原则的运用...
An Analysis of Chinese and Western Cultural Integration Based on the Movie The Forbidden Kingdom,英语论文以电影《功夫之王》为例浅析中西方文化融合...
An Analysis of Differences in Heroism Culture between Chinese and American Movies---A Case Study of Iron Man and Red Cliff,英语论文中美电影中的英雄文化分析《钢铁侠》和《赤壁》为例...
The Relation Between Man and Nature in Chinese and Western Culture Reflected in Different Demands of Reclusion Tao Yuanming and Thoreau’s Dialogue Across Time and Space,英语论文从不同的隐逸诉求中看中西方人与自然的关系...
Comparison and Cause Analysis between Chinese and Western Dietetic Cultures—From Eat Drink Man Woman and Julie and Julia,英语论文中西饮食文化异同及原因分析《饮食男女》和《朱莉与茱莉亚》为例...
On the English Teaching Methods in Cultivating Students’ Creativity英语论文英语教学中培养学生创新性方法...
Functional Approach to The Translation of Public Signs,英语论文功能对等视角下公示语的翻译...