Analysis on the Application of Total Physical Response in English Teaching for Pupils,英语论文全身反应法在小学英语课堂中的应用...
A Brief Analysis of Different Methods of Effective Lead-in in Junior English Class,英语论文中学英语课堂教学中的有效导入...
The “Sublimation” of Prose Translation—A Case Study of Selected Modern Chinese Essays by Zhang Peiji,英语论文散文翻译之化境美张培基《英译中国现代散文选》...
Strategies for Improving Junior Middle School Students’ Oral English Competence Under the New Curriculum Standard,英语论文新课标背景下提高初中生英语口语的策略研究...
A Study on Film Subtitle Translation of Ice Age from the Perspective of Skopos Theory,英语论文从目的论看电影《冰河世纪》的字幕翻译...
Study on Strategies of Questioning in English Classroom in Junior Middle Schools,英语论文初中英语教师课堂提问策略...
Brief Translation Analysis of the Color Word “Red” from the Perspective of Cultural Connotation----A Case Study of Hong Lou Meng,英语论文文化内涵角度浅析颜色词“红”的翻译《红楼梦》为例...
An Interpretation of the “Beat Generation” from Dean Moriarty,英语论文从迪安•莫里亚提看美国“垮掉的一代”...
Severus•Snape:An Anti-hero in Harry Potter,英语论文西弗勒斯•斯内普《哈利•波特》中的反英雄...
A Comparative Study on Three English Versions of Yu mei ren from the Perspective of “Three Beauties”—Translation Criteria Put Forward by Xu Yuanchong,英语论文许渊冲“三美论”视角下的《虞美人》三种译本的比较研...