On Domestication and Foreignization of Address Forms in the Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions,英语论文从异化和归化角度看红楼梦称谓语翻译...
A Study on Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Red Sorghum from the Perspective of Rewriting Theory,英语论文从改写理论角度看葛浩文《红高粱家族》英译本研究...
Translation of English Trademarks from the Perspective of Cognitive Metaphor,英语论文从认知隐喻角度看英语商标翻译...
Ecological Reading of Moby-Dick,英语论文《白鲸》的生态解读...
C-E Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Tourism Texts from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,英语论文目的论视角下旅游文本中文化负载词的英译...
A Study on Idiom Translation in Big Breasts and Wide Hips from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence,英语论文从功能对等看《丰乳肥臀》中习语翻译...
A Brief Analysis on English Vocabulary Teaching from the Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor,英语论文从概念隐喻的视角浅谈英语词汇教学...
Contrastive Analysis of the Translations of An Ode to Faerie in Hong Lou Meng,英语论文‘警幻仙子赋’两种译本的对比分析...
A Comparative Study on Two English Versions of Bei Ying from the Perspective of Eco-translatology,英语论文生态翻译学视野下《背影》两英译本的对比研究...
A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Death Euphemism in Religion,英语论文浅析英汉宗教死亡委婉语的异同...