A Corpus-based Study on the Use of Amplifiers in Written English of Chinese College Students,英语论文基于语料库的中国大学生书面语中强势词使用情况的研究...
On the Translation of Fuzzy Language in Chinese Advertisement from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory,英语论文从目的论角度看汉语广告中模糊语的英译...
A Study on the Immersion English Teaching Methods in the Primary School,英语论文小学英语沉浸式教学方法研究...
On the Conveyance and Translation of Image in Chinese Poetry––A Case Study of the Translation of Tao Yuanming’s On Returning to A Country Life,英语论文从陶渊明《归园田居》英译看中诗意象的传达与翻译...
A Brief Analysis on Intercultural Communication Barriers and Measures from the Perspective of Varieties of English,英语论文从英语变体视角浅析跨文化交际障碍及对策...
A Study of Peer Feedback in College English Writing Instruction,英语论文同伴反馈在大学英语写作中的运用研究...
On American Women through feminism--Legally Blonde,英语论文从女性主义角度分析美国女性《律政俏佳人》...
Translation Strategies of Chinese Red Tourism from the Intercultural Perspective,英语论文从跨文化视角看中国红色旅游的翻译策略...
Evolution of Chinese Images in Hollywood Movies from the Perspective of Ideology,英语论文好莱坞电影中中国人形象变迁的意识形态分析...
La variabilité et la traduction des idiomes français,法语论文法语习语的变异性及翻译...