A Brief Analysis on Metaphors in Life of Pi,英语论文《少年派的奇幻漂流》中隐喻的运用...
An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Awareness in Translating Scenic Spots Names,英语论文旅游景点名称英译中的跨文化意识解析...
On Development of Vampire Culture in the Novels of The Twilight Saga,英语论文小说《暮光之城》看吸血鬼文化的演变...
An Analysis of the Causes of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily,英语论文浅析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧成因...
Cultural Reproduction in the Translation of Tourist Spots:A Case of Huai’an Canal Museum,英语论文旅游景点翻译中的文化再现以淮安运河博物馆翻译为例...
An Analysis of Chinese Negative Transfer in Middle School Students’ English Writing英语论文中学生英语写作中母语的负迁移影响分析...
An Approach to the Nominalization in the English Version of Report on the Work of the Government,英语论文政府工作报告英译本中的名词化现象...
A Study on Differences of Naming Practices between English-speaking Countries and China from the Cross-cultural Perspective,英语论文从跨文化的视角窥探中英取名习俗的差异...
Effects of Cultural Diversities on Transnational Marketing Strategies -Taking Estée Lauder as an Example,英语论文文化差异对跨国营销策略的影响以雅诗兰黛在华营销策略为例...
From Death to Rebirth– A Symbolic Analysis of Spinalonga In The Island,英语论文对《岛》中斯皮龙纳格岛的象征主义分析...