毕业论文关键字:笔法 结构 章法
Analyses the artistic style of "the sacrificial vessel tablet"
abstract : the sacrificial vessel tablet is the eastern han dynasty official script jisheng period qing li elegant energetic one of tall and straight. Its artistic style is strong wei qing jin, message health strength, smooth stipple, BoZhe clear, beautiful but not XiongJiang, elegant and both composed. Broad ShuFang interest and solemn quiet dangerously, risks of flat, wide in the hydrophobic. This monument square pen than round pen, party strength is thick in the energetic pull force is the essence of all tablet calligraphy art. Its structure is given priority to with dashes take potential, in the foreign, word about potential stretch, Chinese character component forming strewn at random have send, stroke pen to break even, mutual echo, between the white and modelling with other official script have different cloth. Monuments, Yang and BeiYin characteristic is different, the nexus of contracts is different also, monuments, Yang equilibrium specification nexus of contracts, BeiYin oblique and are, internal space variety. But its overall style and features are not board, graceful, levelled in see risks, rich change in neatly.
key words : rhyme prose structure
《礼器碑》全称《汉鲁相韩敕造孔庙礼器碑》又名《朝敕碑》《韩明府修孔子庙碑》现存于曲阜孔庙博物馆。无碑额,四面刻字,都是隶书。碑阳十751行,每行三十751字,碑左侧三列,各四行,右侧四列,各四行,碑阴三列,各十七行。碑文记载鲁相韩敕修饰孔庙置办礼器等活动。每面的书法面貌和意趣也各不相同。尤其碑阴碑侧锋芝如新,飘逸多姿。字大小相间,既有方正,也有宽扁,纵横跌宕,率意而为,无一点矜持之意,端庄中秀骨天成,碑阴侧更真实反映日常书写的本来面目。清王澍评价其:“无美不备、以为清超却又遒劲,以为遒劲却又肃恬;自分隶以来,莫有超妙;如此碑者,千变万化,而不逾矩。” 一改汉碑的单调,清人翁方纲誉之“汉碑第一”。杜甫书法美学观点是“书贵瘦硬方通神”。 从甲骨文字开始,刚劲瘦硬都是重要的书法审美观,而《礼器碑》正是刚劲瘦硬书风的代表。
图一碑阳 图二碑阴
一、 笔法
赵孟頫说:“书法以用笔为上。”礼器碑继承了青铜器铭文的特色,用笔豪之端,笔画细劲而厚重,于刚劲中出奇趣。《礼器碑》的线条质感与东汉时期的其他汉隶碑刻有一定差异,碑文中笔画有细如发丝,而力度始终者;也有粗如刷帚而韵格灵动者;线条笔画起伏变化如此夸张的同时,不失和谐。雁尾捺笔多方整宽大,下笔险峻,翻折有力,收笔果断。用笔遵循蚕头雁尾、逆入平出等基本笔法规律,整体笔法刚健瘦劲而犀利、朴秀和谐、纤细刚健瘦劲如铁,一笔画之内线条变化丰富,粗细笔画之间有强烈对比,富有戏剧性与矛盾性,刚柔并济、方笔多余圆笔、以刚劲为主,笔画交融处有篆意的圆笔,笔画粗细一致。 浅析《礼器碑》的艺术风格+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_22647.html