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时间:2017-03-05 14:34来源:毕业论文

Discussion on overall design of the Urban Wetland Park in Jiangyin Huangtu
Abstract:In recent years, more and more urban wetland park construction, the overall design of urban wetland park has also been unprecedented attention. Functional area is urban wetland park design is an important part, through the design of urban wetland park in Jiangyin Huangtu discussion and analysis, discussed and summarized, solve practical design applications exist, such as: the function of the park district, waterfront landscape design, plant cultivation design, reasonable resettlement water platform, as well as a reasonable resettlement boardwalk entrance landscape design and other issues. Proposed urban wetland park design should include focus on protected areas, wetlands display area, tour events and the management of the service area; urban wetland park planning and design should follow the system protection, rational use and coordination with the principle of combining building, give full play to their economic, social effectiveness, and beautify the urban environment in the role, creating a wonderful leisure and entertainment. Wetland landscape of the city and combined to solve urban wetland park from the functional, ecological principles, aesthetic and cultural values and the use of resources such as a comprehensive analysis and research.
KeyWords: Partition function; Urban Wetland Park Design; Waterfront Landscape Design
1 引言¬-—6
1.1  项目研究背景¬¬—7
1.2  项目研究意义—8
1.3  指导思想—8
1.4  课题概述—8
1.4.1  国内外发展存在的问题 —8
1.4.2  高尔夫球场的选址需求特点—9
1.4.3  发展趋势—9

2 背景分析—10
2.1.1 生态价值 10
2.1.2 经济、社会效益10

3 基地现状分析11
 3.1 区位分析11
 3.2 周边环境分析12
 3.3 场地水文地质条件12

4 设计理念与目的13
   4.2.1 调研14
   4.2.2 设计构思14
4.3 设计目的—14

5 设计手法与表现—15
5.1 设计内容15
5.2 设计方法16
5.3 细部大样设计17
5.4 图纸表现手法18

6 结束语19

7 致谢—19

8 参考文献—20
1  引言
一个城市湿地公园的建设能不能达到其预期的效果和公园的总体规划设计有着密切的关系。城市湿地公园的设计应当根据各地区人口、资源、生态和环境的特点,以文护城市湿地系统生态平衡、保护城市湿地功能和湿地生物多样性,实现资源的可持续利用为基本出发点,充分发挥城市湿地在城市建设中的生态、经济和社会效益[2-4]。 城市湿地公园总体设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_3784.html