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时间:2018-11-10 09:47来源:毕业论文

关键词  老年人  功能衰退  套头衫  穿衣辅具
Title    The elder auxiliary clothing product design     
As the elderly getting older,their perceptual system ,memory system and motor system are becoming falling off which bring them plenty of troubles.Self-care and personal protective aids assist the elderly to finish daily activities with high quality that were supposed to be hard to complete more time-saving,labor-saving. In this case,this graduation project is capable of enhancing the self-independence and confidence of the elderly. Therefore, how to design aids in line with the characteristics of the daily life of the elderly products to help them deal with everyday life and convenient tedious affairs, population aging society is an urgent need to face.
Through the early life of devices for the elderly a lot of research, this graduation project proposed on the market for the elderly dressing aids product - wear pullovers aids problems and insufficient to analyze, based on ergonomics basic knowledge,,digging into physical and metal features,and finally design the assistant technologies of assisting the elderly to put on and off pullovers.
Keywords:  The elderly    Function decline     Pullover    Dressing device 
目     次
1  引言    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  穿戴辅具设计研究现状    2
1.3  课题研究内容与研究目标    6
2  穿衣辅具设计原则    8
2.1  用户分类及其特点分析    8
2.2  设计原则    9
3 老年人穿衣辅具设计流程    11
3.1  草图方案设计    11
3.5  最终方案确定    13
3.6  建立三文模型    16
3.7  确定产品尺寸    17
3.8  材料选择与效果图渲染    18
3.9  模型制作    20
3.10  版面制作    20
3.11  论文撰写    20
4  设计感想    21
结  论    22
致  谢    23
1 引言
1.1    研究背景
现如今,全世界大部分国家已经步入了人口老龄化社会,欧美一些发达国家以及日本已经步入了高度老龄化社会。根据联合国《人口老龄化及其社会经济结果》的划分标准,当65岁以上的老年人口数量占总人口数的7%以上,或60岁以上人口占人口总数10%时称之为进入老龄化社会。中国已经于1999年步入老龄化社会,截止2014年,官方数据显示中国60岁以上老年人的数量已经占总人口数的15%,而且据预计,老年人所占比例还将不断增大,未来20年中国将进入老龄化高峰。日益庞大的“银发一族”将会给我们带来巨大的消费需求。 老年人辅助穿衣产品设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_25609.html