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时间:2017-02-07 20:04来源:毕业论文

关键词:    当代;漆塑;居家软装;应用
Application of modern lacquer in home soft decoration
Application of modern lacquer art is a precious cultural wealth of human being. But as the days and nights, the human aesthetic consciousness is along with the development of society changing. Now, Japan has a profound cultural background, and contemporary design concepts out of line, facing the fault, disappearing. To revitalize the lacquer art, must reform, this is an indisputable fact. To revitalize the lacquer art, it must be the lacquer art and contemporary design concepts, new technology, new materials combine traditional and modern, seeking the perfect fit, brings new life to the old traditional craft.
This paper is a contemporary paint plastic material to material properties of the mud dry, resin, moisture-proof, heat-resistant, bright color, strong and durable, quick-drying various excellent technology, combined with the contemporary lacquer, has been widely used in public places, indoor decoration. Home soft decoration in the contemporary lacquer decorative art not only decorate and beautify the home environment, but also increase the home soft decoration culture connotation, help people to look at life from a different point of view of beauty and artistic beauty. Based on the paint plastic decorative materials, process and color characteristics in home soft decoration in the analysis and study, explores the method of decoration, art paint and plastic in different home environment in the decoration, decoration purpose and significance.

Contemporary; paint plastic; home soft decoration; application

一、绪论 4
(一)阐述研究的目的与意义 4
(二)有关国内外的研究发展状况 4
(三)漆塑的创新之处 4
二、当代漆塑及材料的关系与作用 5
(一)漆塑的特点 5
 1、漆塑的材料美 5
 2、漆塑的工艺美 6
 3、漆塑的意境美 7
(二)漆塑材料的关系与作用 7
三、中外漆塑的鼎盛期 8
(一)社会背景促进漆画繁荣 8
(二)日韩当代漆塑的发展及现状 8
四、漆塑的当代之路——论在居家软装中的应用 9
(一)漆塑的创作思路 9
(二)漆画制作步骤 9
(三)漆塑作品主题 9
五、当代漆画展示设计  10
(一)漆画成果展览  10
(二)当代漆塑的居家软装效果  10
结语  11
参考文献  12
致谢  13

(一) 阐述研究的目的与意义
当代漆塑在于居家软装的制作中,不仅满足于立体的翻版,而是满足于挂墙的翻版,不光光是树脂、蛋壳、铜丝等材质的系列,而是追求更高层次的提炼,慨括和取舍。以当代人的思文表现的现实生活,当代绘画材料语言的具体表现及其审美特征,超越了传统漆塑中的漆塑只对漆器本身装饰的附属功能,以及凝固在工艺制作结果上的审美趣。当代绘画材料表现的目的,并不诉诸对其材料肌理的浅层认知,也不诉诸材料技法自身的再现。而是在画面中,以想象的空间、结构、秩序和节奏等绘画关系,构成一种独特的表现形式,以实现审美快感的要求的过程,同时也是通过创作性思文活动,与观者的审美需求心理完美配合的愉快实现。 当代漆塑在居家软装中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_2595.html