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时间:2019-04-19 22:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 漆器 传统 创新
Discussion on practice and innovation of modern lacquer
--- A case study of practice work "flow"
Abstract:The lacquer art back to the road. The lacquer art of lacquer art is constructed in the paint and its technology and injection of the human spirit and emotion of art is the technical and artistic unity, is the substance and spirit of unity, and unity. Modern science and technology rapid development, change is fast to incredible, people become impetuous, emotional need to find suitable sustenance, people more and more need to look back to tradition, to find the dependence of primitive culture, because of this, in the nearly ten years of time, such as "lacquer", "bamboo", "origami" and other traditional crafts people's field of vision, once again to get people's attention. This has 7000 years of history, arts and crafts , whether it is early pursuit of lacquer is practical and decorative combination, or today as a pure art to appreciation and collection, is can not be replaced by any other disciplines of the arts as a kind of culture. In this paper, the evolution of the traditional lacquer art, analyzes the development, try to find out the gap between the traditional lacquer art and modern life ", how to make the traditional lacquer art into modern life? How to" uphold the tradition, without losing the the premise, "to improve production, improve quality,"? The author tries to will the modern design of the grafting in the traditional lacquer art creation practice and look forward to in order to generate comprehensive "tradition" and "modern" the lacquer Works.
Keywords:lacquer   tradition   innovation 
传统漆器首先先要作为“器”而存在,实用是本,不能用的“器”,何以可以称作为“器”。漆器的最早形成原因大概是有好事者为了延长器物的使用寿命而进行的探索性粉饰。在我国7000多年漆器艺术的历史上,从最早的河姆渡遗址出土的一只朱漆木碗,它简洁的造型,没有过多的装饰,经过几千年的风雨洗礼保存的依旧完整,从中可以看出,早期的漆器是特别重视实用性。随着时代的变迁,到了秦汉时期实用性漆器到达一个巅峰。冶铁技艺的发展刺激手工业的繁荣,各种木质胚体成为漆器的艺术造型的载体,实用功能漆器越来越多的被创造出来,漆器在日常生活中得到真正的普及。正如我们看到的,长沙马王堆汉墓出土的大量漆器涉及了社会生活的方方面面,器形之多,工艺之精,色彩之雅,体现了当时漆器在技与艺方面的卓越水平。但是随着历史的发展,漆器在发展道路上遭遇了所谓的“转型期”,成本低廉、工艺精简的瓷器出现后,实用性漆器的发展得到前所未有的阻碍,然而这并没有影响漆器在工艺方面的进步。到了唐宋时期是漆器发展历史的又一个小高峰。漆器开始注重装饰艺术的发展,更多技艺手法应运而生。金银平脱、裂变、雕刻、镶嵌等这些技艺的开拓,使得漆器走向更加华丽、精致的道路。与此同时漆器有了一套较为完善的制作与销售流程,有专门销售漆器的漆行、漆铺。后来随著经济的萎靡,很多技艺都已经失传,甚至在宋末时期下旨禁金银平脱等工艺,是因为金银的消耗、浪费很大,所以这样繁复、精巧的工艺逐渐消失了。到了明清时期,传统漆器到了一个鼎盛时期,技艺精湛,种类丰富。尤其晚明出现了一个重要的专著《髹饰录》,对后世漆器的发展有着深远影响,使剔犀、剔红、描金、螺钿镶嵌、漆雕等漆器工艺在民间也得以广泛流传。 现代漆器的实践创新初探:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_32294.html