摘要: 在研究梅子酒品牌包装的设计中,主要查阅了酒类包装的创意设计,做出了针对“阳光”梅子酒的包装设计,在现有的果酒类市场的消费情况、产品信息的传达,各个年龄段消费者的心理和行为研究以及对梅子酒的道与其受众程度做了比较和分析,最后针对梅子酒在市场上现有的包装在设计上的不足,如便携性、牢固性、纸盒结构对玻璃瓶的缓冲效果等做出了一些改变。梅子酒作为一种传统酒类在现代清酒类市场中是具有悠远历史文脉的产品。传统酒类在当下激烈的商业竞争中对包装非常重视,包装的字体图案形象成为了代表其酒品的视觉符号,已经演化为塑造酒品牌的重要途径之一。所以在包装的材质、造型、字体、图案、色彩、元素整合等方面就要独具创新,才能吸引消费者。35692
毕业论文关键词: 梅子酒;纸质包装;图案色彩;包装结构
Plum Wine Brand Packaging Design
Abstract: In research of plum wine brand packaging design, mainly refer to the creative design of wine packaging, made in view of the "sunshine" plum wine packaging design, the existing fruit wines and the consumption of the market, the transmission of product information, consumer psychology and behavior research all ages as well as to the degree of plum wine flavor and its audience to do the comparison and analysis, finally for plum wine in the market of the insufficiency of the existing packaging in the design, such as portability, robustness, carton structure on glass bottles of buffering effect, etc. To make some changes. Plum wine as a kind of traditional liquor in modern clear wine market is the product has a long history context. Traditional liquor in the present fierce business competition very seriously on packing, the packing image is the font design on behalf of its wine visual symbols, and wine brand has evolved into one of the important ways. So in the packaging material, modelling, color, design and font, elements, integration of innovation, will be unique to attract consumers.
Keywords: Plum wine; Paper packaging; Design colour; Packaging structure
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
一 绪论 1
二 梅子酒课题研究的意义、目的与发展情况 2
(一) 梅子酒的市场调研分析与结论 2
1、 分析 2
2、 结论 2
(二) 梅子酒包装的研究意义与目的 3
(三) 梅子酒包装在国内外的发展 3
三 梅子酒系列包装设计展示 4
(一) 视觉形象整体感的设计构想 4
(二) 包装结构设计 4
(三) 图文编排设计定位 6
(四) 作品展示 6
四 总结 9
致谢 10
参考文献 11
一 绪论
随着现代酒类各品牌的发展,越来越多的酒类被带上市场,虽然各种创新的调酒在吸引着人们的视线,但是,梅子酒作为一种低酒精度数的传统清酒,却并没有被人们所遗忘,而是渐渐被更多人所认识,特别是不喜饮烈酒的女性、提倡健康饮酒的中老年和喜欢果香酒类的年轻人。这些人几乎就是已经包括了所有成年人的年龄段,所以,梅子酒一直稳稳地站在酒类市场上。梅子酒企业们为了更好地打造其特有的梅子酒品牌,并且使自家梅子酒的消费量大大提高,越来越重视梅子酒的包装,使得梅子酒包装设计市场得到了更广泛更成熟的发展。 梅子酒品牌包装设计说明:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_33748.html