A re understanding of the sketch of landscape oil painting
Landscape painting sketch is a most can manifest the manifestation of the traditional western, landscape painting of the process is also the author and natural images of the close communication is natural sentiment, by King lyrics in an effective way. Nature of China and the United States scenery varied, colorful and varied, however, harmony and unity, a painter in the face of such a wonderful nature, not only to deep feelings the colorful atmosphere, grasp the basic tone of color combinations, understand the color of the flexible use of, plus with personality and the spirit of the times of the brush strokes, for reproduction of natural scene and then given the mood of the artist's subjective feelings, in order to create a good paintings. But due to various artists to its own artistic talent and emotion experience differences, their performance of color, strokes, mood and processed also each are not identical, so that color, strokes, mood plays an inevitable role in landscape painting.
Key Words: Landscape painting;sketch;color;artistic conception
目 录
一、色彩重于形在风景油画写生中的表现 -1
二、笔触在风景油画写生中的表现 -3
一 色彩重于形在风景油画写生中的表现
在过去的绘画过程中,由于受古典绘画的影响,我个人总是想更多强调画面中造型的准确性,总以为外形很重要,只有外形对了,这幅画才有好的开始。后来我在外出写生过程中和观看了印象派部分大师的作品后,我对此有了重新的理解和看法。虽然造型的准确性重要,但是对于我个人来说,色彩更重要,也就是说在风景油画写生中色彩比外形更重要。外形断开或者含糊反倒使事物增添了一种朦胧美,例如当代画家赵无极老先生的一幅作品(图一)。画面运用了油画颜料的特性和奔放的色彩笔触勾画出景象的雄伟气势,色彩就成为了作品最引人注目的元素,作者并没有注重外形,而是更注重色彩,依靠色彩之间的相互作用、碰到一起,从而产生物象。并且风景油画写生时间比较短暂,它不像长期作业那样有大量的时间去精雕细刻,在短时间内完成一幅油画作品,我们会将色彩作为画面的重要部分,因而色彩也就成为了表现画家情感的重要艺术表达语言。 对风景油画写生的再认识:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_41201.html