摘要木版画在版画里有着悠长的历史而且经久不衰。黑白木刻版画就是运用黑与白呈现于画面的,用简化了的形式来表现绘画的一种方法,是绘画的一种特殊表现形式,它具备一般艺术的规律,更有自己特殊的规律。利用木刻刀在木板上刻出不一样的线条、块面为表现手段,从“新兴木刻”开始至今,刀法逐渐成熟,刀法是黑白木刻中最为直接的视觉语言和重要特征,是艺术家表达思想,展现个性,传达情感的重要艺术载体,是黑白木刻最重要的表达方式,体现自身的艺术趣和审美价值,在木刻版画创作过程中有着很重要的作用,我研究的目的就是怎样处理好木刻创作中的刀法问题以及刀法组织的黑白灰体现。以刀法为切入点,在这个过程中,加深我对刀法语言的理解,从而找到最适合自己的刀法表达方式,这既是黑白木刻创作实践和锤炼过程,更是对刀法语言学习的过程。 49379
毕业论文关键词:黑白木刻;刀法组织 ;创作
Black-and-white woodcut engraving knife method of research
Wood engraving in print has a history of long and enduring. Black-and-white woodcut printmaking is the use of black and white picture, in simplified form to represent a method of painting, painting is a special form of expression, it has the general laws of art, have their own special laws. Of wood carving knife engraved on board a face for different lines, performance means, starting from the "emerging wood", art of using saber is gradually mature, art of using saber is the most direct visual language and a black-and-white woodcut important characteristics, is an artist to express ideas, show inpidual character, an important carrier of art to convey emotion, is the most important expression of black-and-white woodcut, reflect their art taste and aesthetic value, in woodcut printmaking creation has a very important role in the process, the purpose of my research is how to deal with the cutting and cutting in woodcut creation group of black and white ash. With knife method as the breakthrough point, in the process, deepen my understanding of the art of using saber language, so as to find the most suitable methods to express way, which is both black and white woodcut creation practice process, and to temper of cutting process of language learning.
Key Words: Black and white woodcut Methods tissue Creation
目 录
一 黑白木刻版画认识
世界上最古老的木刻版画是我国唐代咸通九年(公元868年)藏于大英帝国博物馆内的金刚般若经的扉页画《说法图》(附图一),在版画的所有艺术表现形式中,我最喜欢黑白木刻,喜欢这种单纯、质朴、隽永、精湛的黑白美,是其它五彩缤纷的色彩所不能比拟的,我认为这正是黑白木刻的独特魅力之处。黑白木刻版画属于版画类型中凸版版画的一种,在处理上注重简洁、明快、强烈的表现形式,木刻是在木板上用刀代笔,刻一些就会减去一些木面,经过多次减木后,才能达到图画的最终效果,它不能像中国画那样进行多次的描绘,也不能像油画那样能够重复加工,这种局限性使黑白木刻版画始终难以达到现实逼真的程度,但在国画、油画、版画、雕塑四大画种中,版画是最古老和最年轻的画种,古代木刻作品以复制为目的,主要用来满足人们生活的需要,没有任何创造性,再好的复制版画仍然缺乏艺术的独立存在价值,直到鲁迅先生倡导新兴木刻运动开始,版画才因此进入创新时代,现代版画是创作版画,黑白木刻独特的性质使版画艺术家能够用自己独特的艺术语言创作出各种不同风格的作品,他们在创作中运用不同的刀法,作品注入更多的主观情感,充分发挥想象力及创造性,拓展自己广阔的版画世界,推动着版画艺术向前发展。 黑白木刻版画中的刀法研究:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_52346.html