The image of the poultry in the fiber works performance
Fiber Art is human lives, which uses natural fibers, artificial fibers, chemical fibers, organic synthetic fibers, through knitting, knot, wrapped around, paste, bar, sewing, dyeing and other techniques constitute an integrated software or Materials construct, such as knit, device software, etc., known as modern fiber art, it has a hard or soft, quiet or road move, innuendo or smoke different texture light, straight or curved long, bright or dim, be established and irregularities, etc. , sense of texture, color sense, a sense of state. No matter how established, fiber art eventually to a comprehensive, persity and marginal artistic disciplines, with the modern human environment affinity, and rich content, unique style, you can express the atmosphere of harmony between man and the environment, energy showing visual beauty and tactile beauty of artistic charm, but also to raise awareness of the nature of deep emotion, to a certain extent, the elimination of modern life, with extensive use of hard material products brought was a sense of apathy, again so that "human touch" return to earth .
Keywords: fiber art, woven goods
目 录
摘 要 1、2
一、引 言 4
二、选题来源 5
三、研究目的 5
四、过程设计 6
(一)《家禽形象》的材料选择与制作工艺 6
(二)收集铁网的材料 6
(三)编织 7
(四)初步的效果 8
(五)整体上做出半立体效果作品 9
五、创意说明 10
六、未来展望 10
总 结 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
一、引 言
现代纤维艺术能创造物质形态,又能表达深刻的精神内涵,其范畴极其广泛。现代纤维艺术是以各种纤维状的无知材料,采用编织、环结、缠绕、缝缀等制作手段来变现平面、立体和空间装置形象的一种艺术形式。因此,可以说现代纤维艺术更多的体现了现代人的主体的创意意识和整体的环境意识,更好地体现了纤维材料本身的创造给纤维艺术所带来的独特美感价值。随着时代的发展,纤维艺术无论是传统的平面作品还是带有前卫观念的装置作品都是将材料做为基本的元素,纤维艺术的目的是利用不同的技法来表达观念和思想的。已经不是简单的将多种材料进行堆砌,而是利用材料的某一特性,改变其外部特征并赋予新的形式和内涵,使其产生新的视觉效果,给人以美的享受。一定的材料适于一定的造型,如果用材不当,哪怕艺术形象再好,也会觉得别扭。所以,我们只能从实际出发加以选择。利用、发挥材料与特定造型相适应的特性和表现力,因材施艺,增强其审美价值。源[自-751^`论/文'网·www.751com.cn 家禽形象在纤维作品中的表现:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_62805.html