摘要:本文主要内容为比较《定武兰亭》和《神龙本兰亭》的艺术风格及对后世的影响,通过这一研究,分析文人钟情“定武本”的几种 因素。
毕业论文关键词:定武本兰亭 神龙本兰亭 刻本 摹本
Abstract:In this paper, the main content to compare the "fixed Wu Lanting" and "dragon the lanting" artistic style and influence on later generations, through this research, reflect literati like "wu Ben" a variety of factors.
The first chapter combed the important "dragon" and "wu Ben" notebook, and know about their situation. The second part and the third part is the "dragon the LAN pavilion", "wu our LAN pavilion" art and study on the comparison, the second part emphatically on the technique, comparison on the rhyme. The third chapter of huang tingjian and zhao mengfu "lanting" calligraphy study for research.
By comparing two different book analysis research, we found that the force of this "and" dragon "is, our more severe. Secondly, we also found that huang tingjian and zhao mengfu of the fixed Wu Lanting come in addition to receive "is" the cultural thoughts, is a family of origin.
Key words:Set force the lanting The dragon the lanting photocopy
1 绪论 4
2 《兰亭序》真迹、临摹本历史回顾 4
2.1 《兰亭》早期记载 4
2.2 《兰亭序》名本 5
3 两本《兰亭》艺术特点的比较 7
3.1 神龙本 7
3.2 定武本 9
4 两本《兰亭序》为范本的书法学习比较 12
4.1《神龙本兰亭》对后世的书法学习之影响 12
4.2《定武本兰亭》对后世的书法学习之影响 13
结 语 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19
1 绪论
《兰亭序》自古以来都是书法取法的不二法帖。笔者将石刻本与摹本进行比较,是鉴于当下人们竟学《神龙本兰亭》而冷淡《定武本兰亭》的现象,这和历史上有较大差别。与古为友,蹒跚学步,古人能在“定武本”中探得大王三昧。由于笔者才疏学浅,本文定有不当和疏漏,恳请各位老师给予批评指正。 神龙本与定武本《兰亭》的比较:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_68900.html