毕业论文关键词:褚遂良,师承,楷书, 风格,影响
Abstract: The tang dynasty is a peak in the development of the Chinese art, especially is rigorous regular script. Chu Suiliang hard practice and in-depth understanding of their persevering, created the new style of calligraphy, is truly open Li Tang opens the door of the regular script, known as "the indoctrination of tang Lord". The regular script shoka influenced generation after generation. This paper is pided into four parts, the first part, mainly about b of the tang dynasty the social background and fam The second part, the paper expounds the relations Chu Suiliang to lean, from books in running-penmanship melts former people, YuShiNa again to "result" to the right, ily background; In the third part, b is under the king, the first emperor taizong of the effects of b, then b comes to draw on times book wind. The first three part is to the interpretation of the cause of b artistic features of regular script. The fourth part, summarizes the history of calligraphy in b status and calligrapher's influence on later generations. The first three parts is the key point of this thesis.
Keywords:Chu Suiliang, To learn , Regular script, style, impact
1 概述 2
2 褚遂良楷书艺术风格 2
3 褚遂良所处的时代背景及家学渊源 3
4 褚遂良的师承关系 4
4.1 褚遂良师承欧、虞 4
4.2 褚遂良终生“祖述右军” 5
5 崇王风下褚遂良受到的影响 5
5.1 唐太宗对褚遂良书法的影响 6
5.2 褚遂良对时代书风的汲取 8
6 褚遂良楷书艺术风格对后世的影响 10
6.1 赤胆忠心的人品对我们的影响 10
6.2 褚遂良书风对初唐审美风尚的影响 11
参考文献 12
致 谢: 13
1 概述
人之相异各如其面,天赋性格、气质皆有不同,书法亦然。书契始作,材料、方式不同,形式有别,风格便相互差异;书写者不同的性格能力,审美观,书写效果也不同;不同时代,不同时期人也因文化氛围、时代风尚不同而产生风格上的差别。初唐是中国书法史上楷书发展的重要阶段。褚遂良是初唐四家之一,也是唐代政治家,一生博学多,才破旧立新,也正是褚遂良在书坛的崛起与创新,才掀起了初唐后期书风的变动与革新。他既学古又学今,从王羲之、北碑到初唐欧虞,经过不断的学习和研究进行南北融合,最后行成自己的“褚体”书风,对后期书家产生较大影响。 推动了唐代书法的多元化发展,开启了名家书法创造性的一代新风,对后世书家学书经历添砖加瓦。本文从分析唐代大背景出发,探究褚遂良的家学渊源、师承关系、“崇王”风对其影响,通过阅读大批资料进行分析比较,整理出可靠和有意义的资料,进行选择性的借鉴。进一步研究了褚遂良书风的演变过程。最后通过举例说明褚遂良在书法史上对世人的影响。源:自/751^-论,文'网·www.751com.cn/ 探析褚遂良楷书艺术风格的成因:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_68913.html