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时间:2020-01-19 16:42来源:毕业论文
The general pattern of social work in the guidance of social ecological system theory is correct, the main work methods to correct for these single parent adolescents in the interaction between inpidu

The general pattern of social work in the guidance of social ecological system theory is correct, the main work methods to correct for these single parent adolescents in the interaction between inpiduals and environment background, methods in a wide range of system intervention. This work mode is the integration of a variety of work practices, including comprehensive assessment; family support system establishment; school, peer support system establishment; inpidual counseling; community social support methods, from multiple aspects and levels of correction the behavior deviation children in the single parent family education, promote the change.

This paper also features and advantages of application of social ecological system theory in the correction are summarized and discussed, think that the theory can comprehensively and systematically to deviations in understanding behavior under the background of single parent families of adolescents, simultaneously also has the general method and the comprehensive model to integrate the work method, so as to promote changes in multiple level up they actively, in multiple level of resource use, promote the balance of the whole system and harmonious.

Keywords: social ecosystem theory; children from single parent families; correctional education; general model of social work


一、绪论 6

(一)研究背景 6

(二)相关概念界定 6

1.社会生态系统理论及方法 6

2.单亲家庭 7

3.偏差行为 7

4.矫治教育 7

(三)研究方法 7

1.文献研究 7

2.社会调查(问卷调查法) 7

3.个案访谈 8

4.社会调查方法(SPSS)技术分析 8

二、社会生态系统视角下单亲家庭子女行为偏差的成因分析 9

(一)微观系统(自我系统)分析 9

1.青春期生理因素 9

2.青少年的逆反心理 9

3.认知能力不足 9

4.适应能力弱 10

(二)中观系统分析 12

1.家庭系统 12

       (1)家庭结构的影响 12

       (2)家庭教育方式的影响 13

2.朋辈系统 14

3.学校教育系统 14

(三)宏观系统分析 15

1.社会地位的影响 15

2.社会价值观和社会心理的影响 16

3.媒体的影响 16

(四)系统之间的互动分析 16

1.家庭系统与朋辈系统的推拉(微观一中观) 16

2.社会的宏观系统综合影响(宏观一中观一微观) 18


             ——基于初二学生肖旭的个案研究 社会生态系统视角下单亲家庭子女偏差行为的成因及矫治(2):http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_45483.html
