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时间:2021-04-14 21:58来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着物质生活的不断优化,人均寿命的延长,中国的老年人口数量越来越大,衰老是老年人必然的特征。人的衰老表现为细胞萎缩、各器官的重量减轻。机体功能减弱等。随着人口老年化进程的加快,老年人的体质状况,健康状况都受到一定的影响.因此本文采用文献资料法、数据统计法、抽样调查法对淮安地区的老年人口进行了老年人体质调查监测并做出了一系列分析。主要的目的在于了解淮安老年人体质现状,根据目前老年人的体质情况来改善淮安老年人的体质、健康状况,提高老年人的生命质量。根据《全民健身计划纲要》的内容要求,积极配合全民健身计划的推进,以及全国老年人体质监测工作的开展, 全面了解淮安市老年人体质健康状况,2014年淮安市体育局在全市范围内对老年人的体质进行了监测。通过抽样监测,一方面获取了淮安市老年人男、女不同年龄段体质指标的第一手数据资料;另一方面,了解和掌握淮安市老年人群体质的现状特征、存在的问题以及男、女体质变化规律。从而给出一些建议与要求来改善高淮安老年人体质情况。 65665


Abstract: With the improvement of material life, the average life span has extended. And the number of elderly population becomes bigger and bigger. Growing old is an inevitable feature. Human aging has an expression of cell shrinkage, the organ weight becoming lighter and body function being weakened, etc. With  the quickening process of aging population, the elderly fitness, health are affected. Thus, by using literature date, data statistics, sampling survey in Huaian area of the elderly population, this paper monitors the health of elderly physique and makes a series of analysis. The main purpose is to understand the physical status of elderly people in Huaian, then to improve the elderly fitness and improve the quality of life according to the physical condition of the elderly. According to the outline of the nationwide body-building plan, we actively cooperate with promotion of the national fitness program, carry out the national physique monitoring work of the elderly, and fully understand the physical health of the elderly. In 2014, the Huaian Municipal Sports Bureau monitors the elderly around the city. Through sampling monitoring, on the one hand we get the first data of physical index of men and women of different ages; on the other hand, we understand and master the physical characteristics of the elderly people in Huaian ,the existing problems as well as the rule of physique change of male, female in order to give some suggestions and requirements to improve the elderly physical condition in Huaian.

Keywords: Huaian city; the elderly; physical health; test

                           目   录 

1 前言4

2 研究对象与方法4

2.1 研究对象4

2.2 研究方法4

2.2.1 体质测定法4

2.2.2 数据整理统计法4

2.2.3 文献资料法5

2.2.4 抽样调查法5

3 结果与分析5

3.1 淮安市老年人的身体形态现状和特点5

3.2 淮安市老年人的身体机能现状和特点6

3.3 淮安市老年人的身体素质现状和特点6

3.4 淮安市老年人的身体指标与江苏省的均值比较分析7

3.4.1 身体形态方面8

3.4.2 身体机能方面9

3.4.3 身体素质方面10

4 结论与建议11

4.1 结论11

4.2 建议11



1 前言

根据有关资料显示我国老年化进程加快,中国人口老龄化的问题正在迅速形成。据统计资料中国目前已经是世界老年型国家的行列之一。据估计我国老年人口所占比重在2020年将达到10.9%,2050年将上升到20.43%。老年化的加快而引发的一系列的老年人健康问题,给我们当代的年轻人带来一定生活负担。因此,我们要从老年人自身着手改善老年人的体质,健康状况,用科学的健身方法来提高老年人的生命质量。 淮安市老年人(60-69岁)体质监测情况调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_73366.html
