关键词 网络环境 同步控制 最优控制
Title Network-based synchronization of chaos synchronization algorithm
In this article, we elaborate interpretation of the synchronization control under the network environment,and introduce several of chaos control methods.We understand the theory of chaos synchronization control based on neural network control method.According to the equation of state, we build the system block diagram and algorithm design through simulation platform of TrueTime.Eventually we built over the entire synchronous system model.By setting the adjustable parameters , the system synchronization capabilities achieve optimal state.We adjust the system from the main parameter settings and change controller gain K, as well as change the sampling time and a series of network parameter adjustment.We compare the performance of the control system synchronization , thereby build closer understanding of the system to achieve optimal synchronization control.
Keywords Network Environment Synchronization control Optimal Control
目 次
1 引文 1
2 网络环境下同步控制的现状 3
3 网络环境下混沌同步算法的的设计与实现 8
3.1 基于网络的同步系统的设计 8
3.2 通过TrueTime搭建混沌同步网络系统 12
3.3 系统仿真 18
3.4 改变参数对系统进一步研究 23
3.5 通过设置PID对系统进一步研究 36
3.6 本章小结 39
结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43
1 引文
混沌同步控制最直观的表现就是在神经网络上的发展,最重要的应用之一是保密通信[6],其中信息承载信号隐藏在混沌载波信号。之后Pecora和Carroll他们开创性[7]地提出了主从同步,其中许多重要成果集中讨论一些典型的混沌系统,如Lorenz系统,蔡氏系统,Chen系统Rössler系统[8-15]。 TrueTime网络环境下混沌同步算法的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_11506.html