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时间:2018-04-16 20:32来源:毕业论文

Technology Research of Baosteel Stainless Steel sintering machine waste heat recycling
Abstract: With the rapid development of China's iron and steel industry, the main raw material for blast furnace ironmaking - sinter production is also greatly improved, high-temperature sintering waste gas generated in the production process more and more, how to effectively recycle the heat has caused this part people's attention. Paper briefly describes the sintering waste heat power generation technology and system processes, and cogeneration systems in the sintering process of optimization of thermal parameters presented to the effective utilization of waste heat cogeneration system to evaluate the performance of sintering. Through the establishment of thermodynamic model dual-pressure sintering waste heat power generation system, the calculation and analysis of the main steam temperature, main steam pressure, steam temperature and pressure and the low pressure system to select the effective utilization of waste heat effects and variation, waste heat power generation system for the optimization of sintering design and operation to provide a more scientific basis. Sintering waste heat power generation for the iron and steel enterprises in the increasingly fierce competition in the market to further reduce production costs and achieve energy saving play an active role.
Keywords:    Sintering; Cogeneration; HRSG; Thermal system
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景及意义    1
1.1.1 选题背景    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2 烧结余热发电的国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
1.2.2 国内研究现状    2
1.2.3 存在的问题    3
1.2.4 发展趋势    3
2 烧结机系统能量平衡计算    5
2.1 引言    5
2.2 热平衡测定与计算基准    5
2.3 物料平衡计算    9
2.3.1 干物料重量    9
2.3.2 支出物料重量计算    13
2.3.3 物料平衡表    13
2.4 热平衡计算    14
2.4.1 收入热量计算    14
2.4.2 热支出项目计算    17
2.4.3 热平衡表    21
2.5 小结    22
3 烧结机余热回收利用技术    23
3.1 回收利用方式    23
3.1.1 余热回收形式    23
3.2 余热回收特点    24
3.2.1 烧结余热热源品质整体较低    24
3.2.2 废气温度波动大    24
3.2.3 热源的连续性难以保证    24
3.3 烧结余热回收系统    24
4 烧结机余热锅炉废气回收技术研究    27
4.1 烧结机废气风箱测试数据    27 宝钢不锈钢烧结机余热回收利用技术研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_13432.html