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时间:2018-04-17 21:17来源:毕业论文

关键词    武器  单片机  智能  光电瞄具 
Title   The design of intelligent optical collimator system                                                
Driven by the high-tech 21st century, and also to deal with the growing problem of anti-terrorism situation, upgrading weapons is imperative. As an important part of weapon system, collimator is the focus of the weapon development. Application of optoelectronic technology makes collimator more powerful. Currently, more and more countries added to the study in optical collimator.
This article focuses on the design process of the intelligent optical collimator system. The hardware design mainly uses ATmega128 as the core. It collects the data of distance and stance by using the serial port to connect the laser rangefinder and compass. The main control board makes the data processing and the system displays the necessary data to the users through the LCD screen. This design enhances the trajectory visualization effect and the stability of data transmission function. The software design includes the serial program and the display program. This system is designed by C language. The whole design process is modular, making the program’s logical relationship more concise and easy to modify. Finally it realizes the intelligentialize of the collimator.
Keywords    weapon  MCU   intelligent   optical collimator  
目   次

1  绪论    1
1.1  智能光电瞄具系统的研究背景    1
1.2  目前国内外发展现状    2
2  智能光电瞄具系统概述    5
2.1  系统方案的确定    5
2.2  器件的选择    6
3  智能光电瞄具系统硬件电路设计    9
3.1  系统框图    9
3.2  单片机最小系统电路    10
3.3  串口电路    14
3.4  液晶显示电路    15
3.5  ISP下载电路    16
4  智能光电瞄具系统软件设计    17
4.1  串口通信模块    18
4.2  液晶显示模块    20
4.3  弹道解算模块    23
5  系统调试及最终试验    24
5.1  电路板焊接及调试硬件    24
5.2  软件调试    26
5.3  最终实验    27
结  论    28
致  谢    30
参 考 文 献    31 ATmega128单片机智能光电瞄具设计+源程序+PCB图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_13498.html