摘要隧道路段作为交通的咽喉,不仅事故多发,而且隧道内发生交通事故后处理困难,极易造成群死群伤。隧道进出口亮度的急剧变化,造成驾驶员明暗适应困难, 是形成隧道进出口事故黑点的重要原因。因此,研究隧道路段驾驶员的明暗适应特性及视觉安全保障技术对提高隧道路段的安全性具有非常重要的意义。30084
关键词 交通安全 城市隧道 驾驶员 明暗适应
Title The study of light and dark adaptation time for the
drivers in the urban tunnels.
As the throat of the traffic, the tunnel section, not only accident-prone, and the traffic accidents which happen in tunnel post-processing difficult, easy to cause group die group of injury. Tunnel import and export of the brightness of the dramatic changes, causing the pilot light and shade to adapt to difficult, is the important reason of tunnel import and export of accident black spots. Therefore, research on tunnel sections of the pilot to adapt to the characteristics of light and shade and visual security technology to improve the safety of the tunnel sections has very important significance.
This article through the design of tunnel section of the driver to adapt to the experiment on the basis of light and shade, through the D-Lab system records the driver driving behavior analysis in each eye, the heart is in the process of tunnel driving parameters, such as physical activity, and mainly in heart rate and pupil diameter as evaluation index, analyzes the driver in each section of the adaptive changes of light and shade in the process of driving. Again using the mathematical statistics, regression analysis and other related mathematical method to study the driver's time variation law of light and dark adaptation, build up the mathematical model pilot light and dark adaptation. For the future in the field of tunnel design and the driver itself in the safety of the tunnel driving provide more reasonable and safe solution.
Keywords traffic safety urban tunnels drivers light and dark adaptation
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景和意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3 目标 3
1.4 拟解决关键科学问题 3
1.5 技术路线 4
2 国内外研究现状 5
2.1 视觉方面 5
2.2 心生理方面 6
2.3 明暗适应性 6
2.4 交通安全方面 7
2.5 小结 8
3 交通调研 9
3.1 实验目的与思路 9
3.2 实验的方案设计 9
3.3 实验过程 13
4 数据分析 16
4.1 数据挖掘,特征提取 16
4.2 特征分析 20
4.3 模型分析 24
5 成果应用 30
5.1 隧道照明设计 30 城市隧道驾驶员明暗适应时间研究:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_25619.html