毕业论文关键词 机械臂 可编程控制器 组态 气动
Production automation technology developed rapidly since the 20th century, has been to cannot be done by some artificial processing by electromechanical integration equipment, the development of the automation not only greatly improve the accuracy of industrial production and the number of products, also liberated the labor productivity and also greatly increases the safety factor.
With the development of the automation, the mechanical arm has also been widely used in mechanical processing, has now developed into an integral part of the production line. Mechanical arm in the production line can help people do some dangerous work, especially work in each have a harm to human body environment, so as to reduce the risk.
This paper studies the mechanical arm is made on the material of packaging and handling. By the sensor and the limit switch to locate and detect whether complete work. In the design of the action of mechanical arm driven by cylinder, is controlled by PLC system. Of mechanical arm and discussed in the paper is pided into two types of manual and automatic mode. Mainly to the failure of time would be convenient for maintenance, and its in special circumstances, can be an emergency stop.
Paper of sensor technology, PLC technology, pneumatic technology, and introduced a simple configuration monitoring system, and according to design requirements to design the PLC control principle of mechanical arm, adopt mitsubishi sketched a ladder diagram programming software and debug, and monitor configuration software.
Key words Manipulators PLC Aerodynamic Configuration
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 机械臂在国内外的发展现状对比和发展趋势 1
1.3 设计中的主要内容和关键问题 2
1.4论文的主要结构的简单介绍 3
2 机械臂所用元件的介绍与选型 4
2.1 检测元件的介绍 4
2.2电机的介绍与选型 5
2.3变频器 7
2.4 本章小结 7
3 机械臂的系统设计 8
3.1机械臂控制方式 8
3.2 机械臂的驱动方式 9
3.2.1驱动方式 9
3.2.2气动技术 10
3.3 机械臂执行机构 10
3.4本章小结 11 PLC机械臂装配搬运系统设计+梯形图+源程序:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_32099.html