摘要:煤调湿工艺是通过直接或间接加热来降低并稳定控制入炉煤的水分,其目的在于为后续的炼焦过程节省能源、减少污染并提高生产效率和焦炭质量。 2008年宝钢建成了使用第二代技术的煤调湿工艺车间,取得明显的节能效果。本研究分析了该系统的工作原理,对其进行了热平衡分析,建立了热平衡模型,并采集生产运行参数进行了统计学分析,最终确定了影响蒸汽量的主要参数为:煤切出量,干燥机出口尾气温度,入口煤湿度。经过数据分析,确定使用人工神经网络的方法来为系统建模,建立了初步的煤料水分控制系统模型,并通过数据分组的方法及拉丁超立方试验设计方法来筛选数据,通过扩大参数阈值的方法来改善模型输出,最终得到符合理论推导及生产实际的煤料水分控制系统模型。并在此基础上,针对出口煤湿度在一定范围内设定时的情况进行了进一步的探索性研究。综上,本研究建立了基于人工神经网络的煤料水分控制模型,实现了调湿煤水分的自动在线控制,通过试验验证该方法较人工操作平均降低煤调湿低压蒸汽单耗3kg/h/t。5970
关键词: 煤调湿;神经网络;自动控制
The modeling and control of CMC system based on Neural Network theory
Abstract:The CMC technology relys both directly and indirectly on heating to make the moisture of furnace coal decrease, and controls stability. Baosteel has built the craft workshop related to CMC technology using the second generation technology of coal , and the craft makes a significant impact on energy costs in 2008. Then this article emphasizes on the analysis of the system, such as theory based on the heat balance analysis and the heat balance model. By collecting and recording running parameters, the data of the system is statistically analyzed, and it found that the main factors that affect the steam volume were the coal quantity, outlet exhaust gas temperature of coal dryer, inlet humidity caudal temperature and entrance of coal moisture. And through data analyzing, this research uses the artificial neural network to model the system. After establishing the preliminary model, the research established the preliminary model of the moisture control which is rather approximate to the practice and the theory based on the parameters, which were obtained by data packet, the Latin square design of experiment and the selections of the threshold parameter. And on this basis, the research has raised a new hypothesis of the different situations when the moisture of export coal in different values. In summary, this research uses the artificial neural network to establish the moisture control model of coal which achieves the automatic control. Through experiment, finding the method can reduce about 3kg/h/t of the unit consumption of steam a compared with manual operation.
KeyWords : the CMC technology; artificial neural network; automatic control
1. 绪论 1
1.1. 煤料水分控制系统的作用 1
1.2. 煤调湿的国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1. 国外煤调湿技术的发展 2
1.2.2. 我国煤调湿技术的发展 4
1.2.3. 宝钢煤料水分控制系统的现状 5
1.2.4. 目前遇到的问题 8
1.3. 研究内容 8
1.4. 技术路线 8
2. 热平衡计算 10
2.1. 宝钢煤调湿工艺校企合作前期积累 10
2.1.1. 环境参数 10
2.1.2. 操作参数 10
2.2. 本次针对煤调湿控制系统提出热平衡计算原理 15
2.3. 煤调湿处理的热量衡算 16
2.4. 热平衡方法分析 17
3. CMC的神经网络建模 19 基于神经网络理论的煤调湿系统建模与控制:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_3250.html