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时间:2017-04-29 16:00来源:毕业论文

摘要: 在Internet的飞速发展的今天,以太网通信技术和人们的日常生活息息相关,而且已经成为当前主流的信息通信方式。Wi-Fi技术以其部署非常灵活、综合成本比较低、并且网络扩展能力强,终端普及性较好等优点已经成为建设“无线宽带城市”的首选技术。本次毕业论文采用了利尔达科技有限公司的LSD3WF-1011_Wi-Fi透传模块,该模块内嵌高性能MCU及完善的TCP/IP协议栈,可高效处理网络数据,实现任意电子设备具有连接Internet的能力,方便用户快速在产品中增加串行Wi-Fi通信功能满足越来越多的物联网需求。利用此模块的Wi-Fi透传性能并且基于VB6.0的集成开发环境,我们设计了一个服务器端程序和客户端程序,成功的实现了客户端程序与服务器端程序的双向通讯。此次毕业设计软件部分采用了支持TCP/IP协议的Winsock控件和支持串口通讯的MSComm控件来完成。硬件方面使用RS232转USB来实现Wi-Fi模块与电脑的连接。由于此Wi-Fi模块内置了TCP/IP协议栈,所以方便了用户开发,可方便的用于冰箱、电视机、空调、打印机、工业控制等理想物联网产品的开发。关键词:Wi-Fi ,编程,VB,7834
The research and application of Passthrough Wi-Fi module LSD3WF - 1011
Abstract: In the rapid development of the Internet today,Ethernet communication technology and People's Daily life is closely linked,and has become the mainstream way of information communication. Wi-Fi technology has become the first choice for constructing a “wireless city” because of its flexible deployment, low cost, strong generalization and popularity of terminal. The graduation design use Lierda technology co., LTD’s LSD3WF-1011_Wi-Fi Pass-through module, the module embedded high-performance MCU and TCP/IP protocol stack, process network data with high efficiency, achieve the ability of any electronic devices have the ability to connect Internet, convenient to users to rapid increase in product serial Wi-Fi communications functions meet the demand of a growing number of Internet of things. Using this module Wi-Fi pass-through performance and based on VB6.0 by use of the integrated development environment, We have designed a server-side program and client program, successful implementation of the client and server two-way communication. The graduation design of software adopts the Winsock control supports the TCP/IP protocol and support a serial port communication MSComm control. Turn hardware using RS232-USB to realize the Wi-Fi module connected to the computer. Due to the Wi-Fi module built in TCP/IP protocol stack, it convenient for users to develop, can be convenient used in refrigerators, television sets, air conditioners, printers, industrial control and so on ideal IOT product development.
Key word: Wi-Fi;  programming; VB
1概述    1
1.1选题背景及研究意义    1
1.2本文主要内容    1
2相关技术介绍    3
2.1Wi-Fi介绍    3
2.2 TCP/IP协议的介绍    3
3 开发环境    5
3.1软件部分    5
3.1.1 VB 6.0    5
3.1.2 Winsock和 MSComm控件    5
3.1.3Altium Designer Summer 09    6
3.1.4TCP&UDP测试工具 V1.02    6
3.1.5 USR-TCP232-Test串口调试助手    7
3.2硬件部分    7
3.2.1Wi-Fi模块介绍    7
3.2.2硬件原理图    12
3.2.3 RS232转USB相关技术介绍    13
3.2.4无线路由器TL-WR740N    14
4软件设计    15
4.1服务器端    15
4.2客户端    20
5系统测试    27
5.1测试环境    27 透传Wi-Fi模块LSD3WF-1011的研究与应用:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_5934.html