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时间:2020-09-09 20:22来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 智能化,AT89C51单片机,红外传感器

Abstract:With the development of science and economy, people's consumption concept is changing. Automatic and intelligent technology is more and more popular, and private cars have gone into the homes of ordinary people, but many novice are not confident in their own driving skills , such as backing the car into a garage, moving in a garage, parking a car on the roadside .So it is easy for them to bump into things. Intelligent car is a collector of a variety of integration technology. The system uses AT89C51 single chip microcomputer as its control core, and uses infrared sensors to detect obstacles on the road, and then sends the data to the single chip microcomputer. The whole program of the design includes main program, motor driver, signal detection program. And it uses operation information detected when the car moves to make the car turn left, straight or stop. In addition, the system can also save the cost,have practical function and beautiful appearance and so on.

Keywords: Intelligent,AT89C51, Infrared sensor

目  录

1 绪论.5

2 智能小车总体概况.5

2.1 概况..5

2.2 总体结构图..6

3 系统方案设计..6

3.1 系统的原理图6

3.2 路面情况检测方案选择.7

3.3 电动机选择..7 3.4 电动机驱动方案的选择.7

3.5 路程检测方案选择..8

3.6 障碍物探测方案选择8

3.7 供电电源方案的选择9

4 系统硬件电路的计.9

4.1 电动机驱动电路设计与实现9

4.2 车轮检速与路程计算..10

4.3 红外避障电路..11

4.4 电源的电路.12

5 主控芯片介绍.13

5.1 AT89C51主控芯片介绍.13

5.2 电动机驱动芯片L293D.15

5.3 串口电路芯片MAX232..16

6 软件设计..16

6.1 软件的设计思想16

6.2 程序设计17

7 系统调试与结论..18

7.1 硬件调试18

7.1.1 测试仪器.18

7.1.2 测试方法.18

7.2 测试方法与仪器18

7.2.1 跟踪测试.18

7.2.2 断点测试.19

7.2.3 查看变量.19

7.2.4 更改数值.19

7.3 软件程序调试..19




附录 .24

1 绪论


根据题目的要求,确定如下方案:在现有玩具小车的基础上,加装光电、红外线、超声波传感器及金属探测器,实现对电动车的速度、位置、运行状况的实时测量,并将测量数据传送至单片机进行处理,然后由单片机根据所检测的各种数据实现对电动车的智能控制。 AT89C51单片机自动遥控小车的设计+程序:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_60103.html
