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时间:2017-05-06 11:45来源:毕业论文

介绍了射击误差的相关概念与分类,对弱相关射击误差的三种分解技术进行了综述。介绍了在弱相关误差分解情况下现有的毁伤概率的算法。然而现有转换规则都无法证明转换后毁伤概率的不变性。故提出了一种新的毁伤概率的算法。将平稳的正态脱靶量序列分解为共有分量和非共有分量;将共有分量进一步分解为预测值和预测误差;基于上述分解,在强相关误差和弱相关误差初值都已知时,给出了一次射击过程毁伤概率的表达式;在上述两初值各态历经时,给出了武器系统毁伤概率的表达式。最后用几个算例与包括国军标在内的现行算法进行对比,本文给出的算法更准确。关键词  射击误差  弱相关性  毁伤概率   误差分解8221
Title    weak correlation analysis of shooting errors                     
The concept and classification of shooting errors were introduced. Three decomposition methods of weak correlated shooting errors were summarized. Existing algorithms of damage probability under the weak correlated errors decomposition were introduced. However, these decomposition principles   cannot prove that the damage probability is constant after error decomposition. Therefore, a new algorithm of damage probability was proposed. The stationary normal miss-distance sequence was separated into common and uncommon parts; furthermore, the common parts were decomposed into prediction values and prediction errors. Based on above decompositions, the expression of damage probability of one shooting was proposed for the known initial values of the strong and weak correlated errors; then the expression of damage probability of the weapon systems was derived. Compared to the known results including those listed in the GJB(national military standards) by several examples, the accuracy of the algorithms given in this paper is better.
Keywords  shooting errors  weak correlation  damage probability   error decomposition
目   次
1  引言 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2  国内外研究概况 1
1.3  本文主要研究内容 3
2   基本理论与相关公式 3
2.1  基本概念与模型参数介绍 3
2.2  射击误差 7
3   弱相关误差的近似分解及毁伤概率的计算13
3.1  弱相关误差的分解13
3.2  武器系统单身管一次点射的毁伤概率18
4   弱相关误差下的毁伤概率的算法20
4.1  脱靶量序列统计参数20
4.2  弱相关误差的状态方程22
4.3  脱靶量的随机散布中心22
4.4  一次射击过程的毁伤概率23
5  仿真计算25
结论 28
致谢 29
1  引言
1.1  课题研究背景及意义
本文基于此来研究射击误差的弱相关性分析,利用概率统计的知识,利用射击误差的分布求取命中概率;分析弱相关误差对命中率和毁伤率的影响,并与三种将弱相关误差强行分解为强相关和不相关误差的结果对比,完成MATLAB的数值仿真。 射击误差的弱相关性分析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_6465.html