毕业论文关键词 离散时间线性系统 有界扰动 可达集估计 Lyapunov函数 状态反馈控制
Title Reachable Set Estimation and Control for Discrete-Time Systems with Bounded Disturbances
Abstract The reachable set estimation and control problems for a class of discrete-time linear systems with bounded disturbances are investigated. The objective of reachable set estimation problem is to find an ellipsoid, which is as small as possible, such that this ellipsoid contains all the states of the considered system. The objective of the control problem based on reachable set estimation is to design a state-feedback controller such that the states of the closed-loop system are contained in an ellipsoid that is as small as possible. Firstly, by applying Lyapunov function method, sufficient conditions for the existence of desired ellipsoid are obtained, and the obtained conditions are expressed in terms of matrix inequalities. The algorithm for optimizing the desired ellipsoid is also provided. Then, sufficient conditions and design algorithm for state-feedback controllers are obtained. The designed controller ensures that the states of the closed-loop system are bounded in an ellipsoid. Finally, numerical examples and simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed analysis and design methods.
Keywords Discrete-time Linear Systems; Bounded Disturbances; Reachable Set Estimation; Lyapunov function; State-feedback Control
1 引言 1
2 问题描述 4
3 可达集估计 6
4 控制器设计9
5 算例 11
结论 22
致谢 23
1 引言
而在线性离散系统镇定方面,文献[3]讨论了一类双线性离散系统的镇定问题。文章以所研究系统的矩阵特征根为研究对象,讨论了当系统矩阵的特征根均具有负实部和至少一个特征根具有正实部时系统的镇定问题。文章最后给出算例证明了结论的正确性。文献[4]中针对具有传输滞后的线性离散系统的状态反馈镇定问题,给出了传输滞后m步下,系统可镇定的一个内部限制条件。文章提出了两种方法以克服这一限制条件:一是对于滞后步数为1而且是单输入的情形,在控制器中利用更多的滞后状态作为反馈信息;二是对于滞后步数为任意m的情形,设计多步递推滞后反馈控制器。他的研究结果表明,若系统在没有传输滞后时能通过状态反馈被镇定,则存在传输滞后时一定也能通过设计新的控制器使系统被镇定。 Lyapunov有界扰动离散系统的可达集估计与控制:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_70748.html