毕业论文关键词 柱体超声波电机 模态分析 谐响应分析 阻频特性
Title Impedance-frequency Characteristics Calculation of Cylinder Ultrasonic Motor
Abstract The ultrasonic motor(USM) utilizes the converse piezoelectric effect and the friction coupling operation between stator and rotor to drive, as is quite different from traditional electro-magnetic motor. Miniature cylindrical piezoelectric ultrasonic motors play a notable part in accurate control fields for their merits of small volume, simpleness of structure and no cementation that have made them good market prospects.
Firstly, history of USM and research on miniature cylindrical piezoelectric ultrasonic motor is briefly reviewed, as well as the content and purpose of this dissertation. Secondly, characteristics of piezoelectric ceramic are introduced,the operation mechanism of miniature cylindrical piezoelectric ultrasonic motor is also discussed. And then, the finite element analysis (FEA) mode of stator is deduced by ANSYS.
At last, some analysis were done to obtain the motor resistance frequency characteristic curve using Matlab.
Keywords Cylinder ultrasonic motor Modal analysis Harmonic response analysis Impedance-frequency characteristics
1 绪论 1
1.1 柱体超声波电机发展及现状 1
1.2 柱体超声波电机的优点与应用 2
1.3 选题的意义 2
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 3
1.5 小结 4
2 柱体超声波电机理论基础及运行机理 5
2.1 压电效应与压电方程 5
2.2 柱体超声波电机运行机理 10
2.3 小结 10
3 有限元法及ANSYS有限元软件 12
3.1 超声波电机结构设计常用方法及特点 12
3.2 ANSYS有限元软件简介 13
3.3 小结 14
4 柱体超声波电机定子阻频特性定量计算15
4.1 建立柱体超声波电机定子模型15
4.2 定子模态分析 16
4.3 定子谐响应分析 22
4.4 电机定子输入阻抗计算 24
4.5 小结 25
结论 26
致谢 27
1 绪论
超声波电机(U1trasonicMotor,简称USM)是利用压电陶瓷逆压电效应,即在交变电场作用下,压电陶瓷产生伸缩现象,通过各种伸缩振动模式的转换与耦合,将电能转变成超声波振动能(振动频率大于20kHz),并利用摩擦转变成旋转或直线运动的新原理电机[1]。它突破了传统电磁感应电机的概念,没有绕组和磁性元件,具有结构简单、重量轻、可直接驱动、响应速度快、控制精度高,没有电磁噪声、电磁兼容性好等优点。基于这些优点,超声波电机在工业控制系统、汽车电机、智能机器人。航空航天等领域有着广阔的应用前景,围绕超声波电机展开的各项研究已成为人们关注的热点[2]。论文网 MATLAB柱体超声波电机阻频特性计算:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_71525.html