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时间:2021-06-01 22:16来源:毕业论文

摘 要:自动化立体以停车库是一种以单层平面停车场为核心、多平面的空间停车车库,其可以有效节省土地资源、操作简便的停车设备。通过可编程控制器控制车位空间位置的变动,使车位能够实现空间到平面的转化,实现多重单层平面停车的功能。升降横移式立体车库利用托盘移位产生垂直通道,实现多层车位的升降来存取车辆。本文首先通过对升降横移式立体车库的原理进行研究,探讨了其控制规律,在此基础上采用PLC作为控制器进行控制系统设计,完成了升降横移式立体车库的梯形图,以及利用MCGS实现工业工程实时监控,通过对组态软件数据库的构建、动画的连接及调试,实现了立体车库的监控系统。67920


Abstract: The Three-Dimensional Garage, which takes the single-layer plane parking lot asthe core, is the multi-dimensional space parking garage. It uses the programmablecontroller  to realize multiplemonolayer plane stops by controlling the berth space position the change. Vertical-horizontal moving underground car parks, which realize multilayer berthfluctuation deposits and withdraws the vehicles by shifting the tray to produce thevertical channel.This paper based on the principle of lifting and moving solid carport, discusses its control law, based on the PLC as the controller to control system design, completed the ladder diagram, lifting and moving type parking equipment and the use of the MCGS to realize real-time monitoring of industrial engineering based on configuration software database, animation, connection and debugging, the construction of a three-dimensional garage monitoring system is realized.


Keyword: Three-Dimensional Garage, Programmable Controller, Monitor andControl Generated System(MCGS)

目  录

1  绪论 4

1.1  概述 4

1.2  立体车库的发展状况 5

2  升降横移式立体停车库 7

2.1  概述 7

2.2  升降横移式立体停车库的主要组成部分 7

2.3  升降横移式立体车库车位结构 7

2.4  升降横移式立体停车库的结构及运动规律 8

3  升降横移式立体停车库的控制系统 9

3.1  升降横移式立体停车库控制原理及控制系统组成 9

3.2  升降横移式立体停车库系统的控制形式 9

3.3  升降横移式立体停车库3×6控制系统 10

4  升降横移式立体停车库PLC控制的控制程序 17

4.1  软件所要完成的控制任务 17

4.2  控制程序流程图 17

4.3  控制程序优化 19

4.4  PLC的I/O口资源配置 20

4.5  PLC的硬件接线图 20

4.6  升降横移类立体车库的梯形图 23

5  基于MCGS对车库控制系统的应用 32

5.1  MCGS工控组态软件简介 PLC自动化立体停车库自动控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_76302.html
