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时间:2021-07-06 20:37来源:毕业论文





毕业论文关键词:  反电动势法  无刷直流电机  过零检测  

The design of Model ESC based on Back-EMF


The graduation project is based on the counter electromotive force of the ESC model aircraft design, the design introduces the brushless DC motor and ESC model aircraft design is closely related to its basic structure and working principle made certain to clarify. Subsequent differences with a position sensor and sensorless control to make a comparison between then analyzes the position sensorless control of a wide variety of theories. Because of this design detection method chosen is counter electromotive force detection method, it analyzes the counter electromotive force detection, thorough analysis and detection methods also help promote and improve the paper.

For this design applied to the commutation strategy, PWM modulation and other theoretical knowledge, we have made a detailed explanation, chose to MEGA8 microcontroller core design framework for the design, completion of this graduation design hardware design. The hardware design includes an inverter circuit, a voltage signal detection circuit and method of counter electromotive force zero crossing detection circuit. Design with a full-bridge inverter circuit than the conventional N-channel inverter circuit advantages, accuracy and efficiency has been greatly improved. Design also added overcurrent and overvoltage protection circuit, circuit protection against external factors and destruction.

Detect the exact position of the rotor is this graduation design emphasis and difficulty, design by virtual neutral zero-crossing detection, thereby obtaining BEMF zero-crossing point, through collaborative hardware and software, completed accurately and efficiently model aircraft control.

Key Word:  Back-EMF  Brushless DC motor  Zero-crossing detection  

目   录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目   录 III

图清单 V

1 绪论 1

1.1 无刷直流电机发展现状 1

1.2 无刷直流电研究意义 1

1.3 无刷直流电动机的控制方法 2

1.4 本设计的研究内容 MEGA8基于反电动势的航模电调的设计+电路图:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_78006.html
