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时间:2017-05-25 19:03来源:毕业论文

关键词  反激变换器  三电平  逆变器
Title The analysis and design of Three-level inverter based on Flyback converter                                                   
Abstract At present, the three-level inverter is one of the main ways to achieve in high-voltage and large-capacity motor speed. Compared with traditional two-level inverter, it is able to withstand high voltage, low voltage and current rise. Three-level inverter based on flyback inverter has a wide range of output voltage, the topology is simple, less use of the device,the control scheme is simple, high reliability and good dynamic response, so more and more attention has been paid on the use of flyback inverter. In most applications, the inverter output is an ideal sine wave, how to use the semiconductor power  switching device conversing between on and off so that the inverter output sine wave or quasi-sine wave is a major problem in the technology development. In this paper, a novel three-level inverter topology  based on the flyback converter is advanced, analyze the working principle of the inverter specificly, and simulated the inverter , verify its correctness.
Keywords   Flyback converter   Three-lever   Inverter
目  次
1  绪论    1
1.1  逆变器及其发展现状    1
1.2  多电平技术及其发展现状    3
1.3  本文的主要内容    5
2  反激三电平直直变换器的原理分析    6
2.1  反激DC-DC变换器的原理    6
2.2  反激DC-DC变换器的工作模式    7
2.3  反激三电平DC-DC变换器原理    8
2.4  小结    14
3  反激三电平逆变器原理分析    14
3.1  反激三电平逆变器的拓扑结构    14
3.2  反激三电平逆变器的稳态分析    15
4  反激三电平逆变器的控制电路设计    22
4.1  误差信号处理电路    22
4.2  SPWM信号与驱动信号    24
5  参数设计与仿真分析    28
5.1  功率电路的参数设计    28
5.2  反激三电平DC-DC变换器的仿真与分析    30
5.3  反激三电平逆变器的仿真与分析    34
结  论    39
致  谢    40
参 考 文 献    411  绪论
   本章首先介绍了逆变器的发展和现状,然后简要讲述了多电平变换器的应用与发展,最后阐述了本文的研究内容和主要研究安排,为全篇的工作打下基础。 基于反激变换器的三电平逆变器的分析与设计:http://www.751com.cn/zidonghua/lunwen_7835.html