本课题所研究的凸轮轴为柴油机厂的,凸轮轴的材料为20Cr,加工流程为下料-楔横轧-机加工-渗碳-感应淬硬-机加工-检验-入库。在凸轮轴生产过程中,常常因在热处理渗碳和磨削加工2道工序上因应控制不当而产生质量问题,在研究设计过程中应予以避免,并及早预防。渗碳层中的碳化物要求呈细小颗粒状均匀分布,对提高渗层的耐磨性是非常有利的,但碳的浓度偏高,碳化物形成网状,则渗层的机械性能会大大下降。形成网状碳化物后,使渗碳层的表面脆性增加,韧性降低,降低了零件的使用寿命,在淬火和磨削加工时,容易沿碳化物分布形态形成网状裂纹。所以在设计的过程中也要适当控制碳势,保证网状碳化物的出现。文中涉及的凸轮轴渗碳技术要求:(1) 渗层深度:1.4~1.9 mm (2) 碳化物网状<5级。
关键词: 20Cr;凸轮轴;渗碳;热处理工艺设计
The carburizing heat treatment process designing of 20Cr steel camshaft
Design Notes: Camshaft is one of the key parts of engine gas distribution system, the entire gas distribution mechanism is driven by the camshaft, the design of camshaft on the performance of the entire gas distribution system plays a decisive role. Camshaft has poor rigidity, easy deformation; precision and difficult process. Therefore, the design, processing, material selection, processing of the camshaft made many requirements.
Considering the camshaft’s work environment and its failure analysis, putting forward that camshaft has the following performance requirements:
Camshaft have a certain flexural strength and sufficient toughness to withstand a certain degree of torsional load, and to ensure no significant deformation after the force. The camshaft have high surface roughness, a moderate strength and hardness, and the wear resistance to prevent the wear, scratches, breakage and other defects during the work produced of the camshaft. Camshaft need to have a better wear resistance and machinability. Camshaft need to have accurate dimensions, the journal need to have moderate bending strength and torsional loads and moderate toughness and wear resistance. 低碳合金钢凸轮轴渗碳热处理工艺设计:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_3362.html