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时间:2021-06-10 23:31来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  钛-钢爆炸复合板  脉冲熔化极气体保护焊(PMIG)  钨极氩弧焊(TIG)复合板坡口  


Title  Titanium steel explosive clad plate welding technology


This thesis focuses on the special structure of titanium clad steel plate welded joints designed forms and groove structure, using pulsed MIG welding and TIG welding method combinations, carried out the TA1 and 10mm in 1.5mm Q235B explosive compound board automatic welding technology. Obtained through experiment reasonable welding process parameters, including titanium and low carbon steel composite plate layers optimization of process parameters; study analyzed the regional composite plate joints microstructure, microhardness distribution was studied using scanning electron microscopy welding seam area element distribution. The results showed that: the titanium layer using TIG welding, selection of welding current 120A, welding voltage 16V, welding speed 20cm/min; steel layer using PMIG welding, when the welding current is 180A, welding voltage 28V, welding speed 20cm/min, can be welded forming a good seam welded joints, and the control of the two layers of metal are no penetration. Region from the base material to the weld zone, which micro-Vickers hardness was gradually increased.

Key words Titanium-steel explosive clad plate, PMIG,TIG,Composite plate groove

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1课题的意义 1

1.2钛合金与钢焊接特性 1

1.3 试验焊接方法介绍 2

1.4爆炸复合板及其焊接的国内外研究现状 3

1.5钛钢爆炸复合板的特性 4

1.6本课题研究内容 6

2  试验材料及设备 7

2.1试样材料及焊接材料 7

2.2  试验设备 8

2.3 钛钢复合板焊接和分析过程 10

2.4金相组织观察 11

2.5硬度测试 12

2.6 EDAX电镜扫描 12

3  钛钢复合板自动拼焊的工艺及焊缝成型分析 14

3.1 Q235B堆焊工艺研究 14

3.2钛钢复合板对接焊接工艺试验研究 16

4爆炸复合板微观组织及力学性能 18

4.1金相结果分析 18

4.2扫描电镜实验结果分析 20 钛钢爆炸复合板机器人拼接工艺研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_76698.html
