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时间:2017-03-12 15:43来源:毕业论文

关键词  铝合金  真空钎焊  钎料  夹具  钎焊接头性能  钎焊工艺
Title  Experimental research of Aluminum alloy complicated structure vacuum brazing process.
4004M solder for the vacuum brazing of 3A21 aluminum alloys was used. The results showed that, under lower temperature, the weld was very clear. It showed that the solder do not melting fully and the mobility of the solder was not strong, fusion with the parent material was not obvious. Under higher temperatures, shorter holding time, the weld was not obvious. It showed that solder melting completely. Longer holding time, under the high temperature, liquid solder easily leaded to spillover and affected the appearance of specimen. When brazed the complicated structure of aluminum alloy, it would easily cause lack of fusion if it had not the fixture. Analysis showed that: brazing temperature of 625℃, holding time of 5min were the best vacuum brazing process for aluminum alloy, with the strength could being 68.65MPa.
Keywords  aluminum alloy  vacuum brazing  solder  fixture  performance of brazed joints  brazing process
目  次
1 引言    1
1.1  课题的意义    1
1.2  铝合金的特点及应用    1
1.3  真空钎焊概述    2
1.4  真空铝钎焊的基本原理    4
1.5  论文研究目的及内容    5
2  试验材料及方法    6
2.1  试验材料    6
2.2  试验设备    8
2.3  工艺及试验方法    9
3  钎焊接头质量分析    12
3.1  钎焊工艺参数的确定    12
3.2  片状铝合金钎焊试样外观形态分析    13
3.3  片状铝合金钎焊试样的力学性能分析    16
3.4  片状铝合金钎焊试样的金相分析    17
3.5  本章小结    19
4  铝波导模拟件的真空钎焊    20
4.1 夹具的设计    20
4.2  加热至610℃,保温15min,钎料厚度0.05mm的模拟件钎焊    21
4.3  加热至625℃,保温25min,钎料厚度0.05mm的模拟件钎焊    22
4.4 本章小结    24
结论    25
致谢    26
参考文献    27
1 引言
1.1  课题的意义
远距离探测雷达,过去主要在军事领域,作为一种防御手段,起着警戒、搜索、跟踪敌机的作用。随着雷达技术的发展,雷达也可作为进攻的辅助手段,如炮瞄、制导、寻的、引爆等,提高了武器的效能。今后,极强功率的雷达可作为微波辐射武器直接杀伤敌方人员和摧毁电子装备,使战争进人“电子兵器”时代。在民用领域,雷达也有着广泛的应用。主要是在气象、天气预报、冰雪厚度测量;地图测绘和国土资源普查;导航、空中交通管制、自动着陆系统以及港口导航等。 铝合金复杂结构件真空钎焊研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_4052.html