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时间:2017-05-15 15:16来源:毕业论文

关键词: 微型轴承;热处理;真空箱式炉;
An annual output of more than 700,000 Kg of steel heat treatment plant design miniature bearings
Abstract: This design is the heat content of the workshop and rational design, through to the Tian An Bearing Co., heat treatment workshop practice, according to the production task and the next on-site field observations typical production process and equipment operation; develop a reasonable job system and the heat treatment process, select the appropriate device, arranged for staff to arrange and computing workshop layout, production costs.We hope that this design can be somewhat more reasonable designs and ideas are accepted and concerns, and applied to actual production. Rational use of resources of the enterprise, in order to constantly improve the quality of heat treatment of miniature bearings, production and technical and economic indicators improved floor space utilization, reduce production costs and environmental pollution and make a little contribution. Can also promote the development  
of related industries together to improve the overall level of China's industry.
Keywords: miniature bearings; treatment; vacuum chamber furnace;
1    文献综述    6
1.1    国内外微型轴承热处理生产发展概况    6
1.2    微型轴承及热处理    6
1.3    9CR18、GCR15材料介绍;    7
1.4    热处理车间设计    7
1.4.1    初步设计    7
1.4.2    工艺设计    8
1.4.3    热处理设备的选型    8
1.4.4    车间平面布置    9
1.5    上海天安轴承有限公司简要介绍    9
1.6    本课题设计目的和意义    10
2    生产任务    11
2.1    生产任务    11
2.2    材料简介及产品要求    11
2.2.1    608ZZ及S608ZZ微型轴承热处理生产简介    11
2.2.2    产品的原材料    12
2.2.3    产品标准与组织性能要求    13
2.3    生产纲领    13
3    工作制度和年时基数    15
3.1    工作制度    15
根据车间生产性质和任务,一般单件小批量生产性质的综合热处理车间,应采用两班工作制。其中个别工艺周期较长应连续生产的设备或大型设备应考虑三班工作制;安装在生产流水线上的热处理设备,应与生产线生产班制相一致。本设计采用2班制工作制。    15
3.2    年时基数    15
4    热处理工艺规程    17
4.1    工艺设计的基本原则    17 年产70万Kg多钢种微型轴承的热处理车间设计:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_7054.html