摘 要:检察官客观义务是指检察官在掌握案件事实真相的基础上,以客观中立的态度平等对待当事人的一种国家诉讼责任。由于检察官一方面需承担控诉职能,一方面又是法律监督机关,这种内在的角色冲突导致检察官客观义务难以从应然状态过渡到实然状态。因此,有必要从有效辩护的视角下分析律师的有效辩护对检察官客观义务履行的价值,并在深入探讨二者关系的前提下,为检察官客观义务难以履行的困境从律师有效辩护的角度寻找突破口。33968
An Analysis of the Objective Duty of Prosecutor: from the Perspective of the Effective Defense
Abstract: The objective obligation of prosecutor is one of the state’s litigation responsibilities. Which means that the prosecutor should treat the parties equally on the basis of evidences and facts. On one hand, prosecutors have to accuse crimes, on the other hand,they play the role of legal supervision organ as well. The internal con-tradiction makes it difficult for prosecutors to convert from theory to prac-tice .According to the thesis, there is no denying that the effective defense has a great effect on the objective obligation of public prosecutors. As is known to all, the prose-cutor has difficulty in putting their duty into practice. It’s necessary for us to analyze the relationships between the effective defense and the objective obligation of prose-cutor completely from the perspective of the effective defense. We could draw the conclusion that with the help of the lawyer’s effective defense, solutions to the objec-tive obligations of public procurators can be found.
Key words: The objective duty of prosecutor;the effective defense;the rela-tionship between the prosecution and the defense
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract: 1
一、检察官客观义务 2
(一)检察官客观义务的内涵 2
(二)检察官客观义务难以履行之殇 2
二、律师的有效辩护及其对检察官客观义务的价值 2
(一)律师的有效辩护 2
(二)我国律师有效辩护存在的问题 2
(三)律师的有效辩护对检察官客观义务履行的价值 2
三、律师有效辩护与检察官客观义务之间的矛盾关系 2
(一)二者的同一性 2
(二)二者的斗争性 2
四、怎样用律师有效辩护的“良药”治疗检察官客观义务难以履行的“顽疾”? 2
(一)构建一套有效辩护的保障规则 2
(二)提高刑辩律师的准入门槛 2
(三)刑辩律师职业豁免权 2
(四)完善我国法律援助制度 2
参考文献 2
致谢 2
检察官客观义务理论作为一项国际刑事活动的基本原则,因其正确反映了人类社会对刑事诉讼公平与正义的需求,故而得到了大陆法系和英美法系国家的双重认可。例如,在加拿大,“检察官有责任保证所有因素的可获得性法律证据被提出:它应被施加其合法力量而被坚定地执行,但它也必须被公正地执行。检察官的角色排除了任何输和赢的观点,其功能不是民事生活中可能带来较大个人责任性指控。它应具有对司法程序正直、严肃和公正的牢固信念而被有效执行。”相比之下,但我国的检察官客观义务的履行现状令人堪忧。笔者拟从有效辩护的视角下分析律师的有效辩护对检察官义务履行的意义所在,用辩证唯物主义的矛盾分析法阐述二者之间对立统一的关系,并试图律师有效辩护的角度提出解决检察官客观义务难以履行的办法。 论有效辩护视域下的检察官客观义务:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_31306.html