毕业论文关键词:进城务工人员 社会保险
The Current Situation of Rural Migrant Workers Lack of Social Insurance in Our Country And Countermeasures Research
Abstract: With the development of market economy and the accelerating urbanization process , a large number of construction of urban society requires a large number of migrant workers , they are as an integral part of the economic construction of the city . because of the influence of the dual structure between urban and rural areas , The lack of relevant laws and regulations , The labor inspection department law enforcement needs to be strengthened , The government social insurance investment and other reasons , The city workers in unemployment , work injury , medical , pension , and parenthood , and other areas of the social insurance exists serious lack . Solve the problem of rural migrant workers lack of social insurance , need to perfect the insurance system , break the urban-rural dual structure , formulate laws and regulations , strengthen the government's funding , strengthen the rural migrant workers vocational skills training , etc.
Key words: migrant workers, social insurance,
一、进城务工人员社会保险缺失的现状 1
(一)失业保险的缺失 2
(二)工伤保险的缺失 2
(三)医疗保险的缺失 3
(四)养老保险的缺失 3
(五)生育保险的缺失 4
二、进城务工人员社会保险缺失的原因 4
(一) 城乡二元制结构的影响 4
(二)相关法律法规缺失 5
(三)劳动监察部门执法监督力度有待加强 5
(四)部分企业过分注重眼前利益 6
(五)政府对社会保险资金投入不足 6
(751)进城务工人员自身因素的制约 7
三、构建进城务工人员社会保障的对策建议 7
(一)完善失业保险制度 7
(二)完善工伤保险制度 8
(三)完善医疗保险制度 8
(四)完善养老保险制度 9
(五)完善生育保险制度 10
(七)加大政府的资金投入力度 10
(八)加强进城务工人员职业培训 11
结语 11
参考文献 12
近年来,随着市场经济的发展以及城镇化进程不断加快,一方面城市大量的基础社会建设需要众多的外来务工人员,另一方面,随着科技的改革和进步,农业生产的机械化步伐加快,人们摆脱了体力耕种,解放了农村的劳动力,使得一部分人能够离开农村,进入到城市中满足城市的需要,这样就形成了我国众多的农村进城务工人员。他们作为城市发展中重要的一环,对城市的进步和繁荣具有重要意义,他们往往奉献了自己辛勤的汗水,但是由于受教育年限短,层次低,缺乏专业的工作技能培训等,他们在城市大多从事最低水平的重复劳动工作,或者是一些低层次的服务工作,这些工作本身在劳动强度上就较大,并且工作环境差,社会地位较低。 我国进城务工人员社会保险缺失的现状与对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_38386.html