The Dilemma and Countermeasures of the Government to Deal with the Problem of Population Aging
The problem of population aging has become a major problem in our country and even the world. In our country, since 1999 it has already begun to enter the stage of population aging, so far, China has entered high aging stage. It was too hard to the Chinese government to build a harmonious and stable society. This article is mainly from the current situation of population aging in our country, points out the shortage of resources, the system is not perfect, the social guidance is not enough and so on. The main factors that cause these problems are the impact of aging, the impact of fertility policy, the old concept of public pension and the government's propaganda is not in place. Through the analysis of the plight and causes of discussion that by developing the economic and rational planning of the balance of payments of pensions, perfect security system, intensify propaganda, and vigorously promote the aging industry and enterprise development strategy to alleviate the government dilemma.
Key Words: government; population aging; social security
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
一 我国人口老龄化的现状及其影响 1
(一)我国老龄人口现状 1
(二)我国人口老龄化的特点 1
(三)人口老龄化带来的经济社会影响 2
二 政府应对人口老龄化的困境 2
(一)养老资源短缺困境 2
(二)养老及医疗保障机制还不健全 3
(三)政府对社会观念的影响力度不高 4
三 政府应对老龄化困境的成因分析 5
(一)人口老龄化的冲击 5
(二)我国计划生育政策的影响 5
(三)公众养老观念陈旧 5
(四)政府对老龄化的宣传不到位 6
四 破解政府应对老龄化困境的对策建议 6
(一)加快经济发展并合理规划养老金收支平衡 6
(二)完善保障体制的建设 6
(三)加强对老龄化问题的宣传力度 7
(四)积极推进老龄产业和事业的发展 7
参考文献 政府应对人口老龄化问题的困境与对策:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_43886.html