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时间:2020-03-17 22:56来源:毕业论文


In recent years,the Party and government pay closer attention to the sloth administration.In order to enhance the ability to govern and to serve the people,the 18th congress of the Party also strengthen the competence of the Party for exercising power.However,in the present academic field,the theory which is persuasive and influential about the sloth administration is still limited and scattered.In addition, the most improvement measures ,which are proposed by the specialist concerned,are implemented to punish the government officials by the form of restriction instead of active forms.Therefor,based on the findings of other scholars,this article explains the concept of sloth administration ,then analyses it’s phenomenon and implements a series of improvement measures for the purpose of filling the vacant area in the previous research and eventually forming a complete system.

毕业论文关键词:政府; “懒政”; 改进策略

  Keyword: government; sloth administration; improvement strategy

目    录

一、导论 4

(一)研究意义 4

(二)国内外研究现状 4

1.关于“懒政”的概念界定 5

2.关于“懒政”的成因分析 5

3.关于“懒政”的治理路径 5

二、“懒政”及现象 6

(一)“散作为” 6

(二)“拖作为” 6

(三)“惰作为” 6

(四)“不作为” 7

三、“懒政”现象的成因分析 7

(一)“懒政”产生的主体原因 7

1.思想上的“保守” 7

2.心理上的“恐惧” 8

3.能力上的“不足” 8

(二)“懒政”产生的客体原因 9

1.外部因素 9

(1)经济环境的“限制” 9

(2)行政文化的“影响” 9

2.内部因素 10

(1)规章制度的“约束” 10

(2)行政事务的“复杂” 10

四、“懒政”现象的改进措施 11

(一)心理激励:消除政府人员的怯懦与畏惧心理 政府“懒政”现象及其改进策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_48468.html
