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时间:2018-11-07 16:03来源:毕业论文

[毕业论文关键词]网络反腐   制度化   制度反腐
The Construction Situation, Problems and Institutionalization of Network Anti-corruption
[Abstract] Nowadays, the application and popularity of network technology pushing the development of network anti-corruption, anti-corruption network for the anti-corruption struggle of our country added an indelible mark, again and again, this shows its strong influence, has become an important force in the system.
The current network anti-corruption in our country has not cohesion effectively with anti-corruption system, the institutionalized "absence" phenomenon shows in the ethical, legal, technology and other aspects. To solve our country in the network of institutionalized corruption "absence" phenomenon, must to realize the transformation of network anti-corruption system, in terms of ethics, strengthen moral education, network reconfiguration is the basis of social ethics; in terms of law, strengthen legislation, to realize the network of corruption and anti-corruption system effective cohesion etc.; in terms of technology, strengthen technological innovation, provide support for the network anti-corruption system.
[Key words] network anti-corruption   institutionalization  institutional anti-corruption
目  录
一、我国网络反腐的发展现状 1
二、网络反腐存在的主要问题 2
三、网络反腐制度化面临的困境 3
四、构建网络反腐制度化的路径 6
五、结语 7
参考文献 9
致    谢10
 网络技术的运用和发展,推动了网络反腐的出现,使之成为公民行使监督权的另一把利器。近年来,公众通过在网络上监督和举报使一大批贪官落马,从举报到处理的过程,时间短、迅速、高效,与传统的信访举报程序相比,大大提高了工作效率。网络反腐取得的成效有目共睹,与传统反腐手段相比所具有的强大功能不可否认,但在实践过程中也暴露出一系列问题。笔者通过对相关资料的参考和研究,概括总结了我国当前网络反腐的发展现状、出现的问题以及解决的途径,以期从制度化角度来完善网络反腐进程中存在的种种问题,规避其负面影响,与传统反腐手段相配合,最大限度发挥其正面效应,使各种腐败活动无处可藏。这对网络反腐的制度化建设和我国反腐倡廉工作的实施具有重大意义。 网络反腐的现状问题与制度化建构:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_25477.html