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时间:2020-07-29 20:25来源:毕业论文

摘要: 在所有权保留买卖合同的研究中,专家学者主要注重的是对出卖人的权益保护问题,而在一定程度上却对买受人的权利及保护的问题并没有过多的探讨和研究。本文主要从对买受人处分权保护、期待权保护、回赎权保护、及相关利益保护的问题着手,以注重对买受人的利益保护,使得交易更加公平。即不应绝对化买受人的处分权;从对出卖人擅自处分标的物以及第三人能否取得所有权的角度,明确买受人期待利益;从第三人占有和侵权的角度,保护买受人权利;确定买受人的回赎权和合理回赎期;出卖人取回标的物后再出卖的价金应在扣除使用费用和损害赔偿金以及之前未支付价金后归还于买受人;出卖人破产时,如果买受人提出继续支付价金或完成条件的请求,破产管理人应该无权拒绝,买受人在履行完成相应义务后,仍可取得标的物的所有权;买受人破产时,标的物不能被直接列入其破产财产中,可以通过行使别除权来满足其价金利益,破产管理人有一定的自主权,以保护买受人的权益。53028

毕业论文关键词: 所有权保留 ,买受人 ,权利保护 , 处分权 ,期待权  ,回赎权 

Abstract: In the researches of business contracts on title retention, experts and scholars usually focus on the sellers’ rights and interests of protection problems, and pay less attention to discussions and researches on the protection of the buyers’ rights and interests. This thesis mainly starts from the protection of the buyers’ disciplinary rights, expectation rights and foreclosure rights and other related interests, in order to emphasize the protection of the buyers’ interests, and make trade fairer. That is to say, the buys’ dispositions should not be made absolute; the buyers’ expected interests should be made clear according to the sells’ disposition of the subject-matter without authorization, and whether the third party can obtain ownership; the buyers should be protected from the perspective of third party’s possession and infringement; clear the buyers’ foreclosures, determine reasonable repurchase period; the sellers sell back the subject-matter after exercising the right should, return the gold before the money is not paid to the buyers after deducting costs and damages; when the sellers bankrupt, insolvency administrator does not refuse the request proposed by buyers to continue to fulfill the contract on retention of title, after the fulfillment of the corresponding obligations, the buyers can still obtain ownership of the subject- matter; when the buyers bankrupt, the subject- matter can not be directly included in its bankruptcy property, the buyers can exercise the right of exclusion to meet their interests of price, the insolvency administrator has autonomy to protect the interests of the buyer .

Keywords: Sale with reservation ownership, The seller , Rights protection, Right of disposition, Expectant right, Right of redemption

目  录

引言 4

一、 买受人处分权的保护 4

(一)处分权的约束 4

(二)对处分权的保护 4

二、买受人的期待权保护 5

(一)期待权的侵害 5

(二)对期待权的保护 6

三、 买受人的回赎权保护 7

(一)回赎权及制度缺陷 7

(二)对回赎权的保护 7

四、买受人相关利益保护 所有权保留买卖中买受人的权利及保护:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_57087.html
