摘 要:随着经济的发展,人们不满足于对物质的需求,逐渐膨胀了对性的贪欲,由此产生了各种各样的贿赂手段,作为非物质性利益的性贿赂则成为了贿赂的首选目标。近年来,影响最大的莫过于刘志军案,刘志军作为国家工作人员,多次接受他人提供的性贿赂,但案件从卷宗到审判均无提及“性贿赂”,这再一次引发了人们的讨论和思考。性贿赂不仅严重扰乱社会经济秩序且严重破坏法益。本文以刘志军案为切入点,探讨了性贿赂入罪的难点以及可能存在的解决办法,并分析了将性贿赂入罪的立法方案。55132
Abstract:With the development of economy, people are not satisfied with physical comforts. They have a craving for sexual contact, which results in the emergence of different means of bribery. Sexual bribery, a kind of non-material benefit, becomes the first alternative in the order of preference. In recent years, the case of Liu Zhijun is of the greatest influence. As a government official, Liu took sexual bribes many times. But there was no mention of “sexual bribery” from the files on this case to the trial process, which again provokes people’s discussions and contemplation. Sexual bribery not only seriously disrupts social economic order but also damages legal interests. In this essay, the case of Liu Zhijun is regarded as the point of contact. Then I will discuss the difficulty of sexual bribery conviction and possible solutions to this problem. In the meantime, the legislative program of sexual bribery conviction will be analysed.
Key words: Sexual bribery, Liu Zhijun case, necessity, feasibility, suggestions of legislation
目 录
1 引言 4
2 刘志军案引发的问题 4
2.1案情介绍 4
2.2案件未提及“性贿赂”导致的问题 5
3 性贿赂入罪的难点 5
3.1难以界定当事人之间是否以交易为前提进行的性行为 5
3.2不易形成证据链 6
3.3无法用价值尺度衡量 6
4.性贿赂入罪的应然性 6
4.1具有立法渊源 6
4.2具有严重的社会危害性 7
4.3不违背刑法的谦抑性 8
4.4现实需要 8
5性贿赂入罪的对策 9
5.1立法建议 9
5.2用特殊侦查手段调查取证 10
5.3依情节严重程度进行量刑 11
结 语 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
1 引言
早在20世纪80年代时期,中国的刑法学者们就对是否将性贿赂入罪进行过激烈的辩论,1996年修正《刑法》时,很多学者再次呼吁将性贿赂入罪,用刑罚惩治此类行为。在持续了17年的争论中,虽然中国官员权色交易频繁,社会各界也都呼吁立法惩治,但目前刑法典、刑法修正案和单行刑法中,却仍旧没有将“性贿赂”纳入刑法范畴中。“性贿赂”该不该入刑?2011年的刘志军案再次引发了舆论对此问题的激烈讨论。刘志军作为国家工作人员,滥用职权,帮助丁书苗等人多次获得非法物质利益,作为回报,丁书苗多次出资给刘志军进行嫖宿,但案件从卷宗到审判均未提及“性贿赂”。究其原因,则正如办案人员所说:目前我国还没有相关性贿赂的法律规定,这导致许多不法贪官钻了法律的漏洞,得以一再逃脱法律的制裁。从目前查办的案件中可以看出,官员腐败案件,大都伴随性贿赂的情节,因此,将“性贿赂”纳入刑法的调整范畴已是迫在眉睫。 论性贿赂入罪分析刘志军案引发的再思考:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_59410.html