摘 要:从20世纪80年开始,世界各国开始运用新公共管理的理论进行政府职能与行政理念的变革,建设服务型政府成为世界各国政府改革的重点。我国政府在服务型政府的探索和尝试中通过转变政府机构职能、简化政府工作程序和实行政务公开制度等措施提高了行政效率。但由于理论上的不成熟以及诸多现实因素的制约,我国在服务型政府的建设过程中也面临着封建“官本位”思想根深蒂固、公共服务体系和机制尚待完善以及公民参与意识淡薄等问题。针对这些问题,可以从破除“官本位”思想,建立健全公共服务机制以及积极发展公民社会等方面提出改善对策。55566
View difficulties and Breakthroughs in the Constrcution of Service Goverment
Abstract:Since the 1980s, the world began to use the theory of new public management and administrative functions of the government for change ideas, building service-oriented government become the focus of world government reform. Our government in the service-oriented government to explore and try to change the government agency functions by simplifying the implementation of government programs and government affairs system and other measures to improve the administrative efficiency. However, due to the immaturity of the theoretical constraints and the reality of many factors, the country in the process of building service-oriented government is also facing a feudal "official position" deeply entrenched, and the public service system and improve citizen participation mechanisms remain weak awareness and other issues. Aspects of these problems, can get rid of "official position" of thought, establish a sound mechanism for public services and the positive development of civil society and other proposed improvement measures.
Key Words: Service-oriented government ;Official standard ;Administrative costs
2、服务型政府的特征源.自|751,:论`文'网www.751com.cn 服务型政府建设的困境与突破:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_59897.html