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时间:2020-09-03 19:26来源:毕业论文



 The Dilemma and Transcendence of Network Monitoring in Contemporary China 

Abstract: As one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century, the Internet with its equality, freedom, convenient, instant, concealment, or other characteristics to provide a new public opinion environment and express channels. To some extent, most Internet users have become accustomed to using the Internet to express their views and opinions on events and through the network of the ruling party to supervise the exercise of public power, decision-makers through the network more direct and more objective understanding of public opinion. When this supervision channels, both provide endless power and unprecedented opportunities for the development of democracy, but also to the development of democracy faces enormous challenges. In this paper, a network system for the study of public opinion analyzes the characteristics and mechanism of the network of public opinion, research problems and shortcomings of its own existence, and put forward constructive suggestions and rational development of the network of public opinion, and strive for the healthy development of our network monitoring system from to a certain role.

Key Words: network monitoring; democracy; dilemma



从广义上来讲,网络监督“是政府或人民大众通过互联网对某一件事的了解、关注、研究,并提供信息或介入支持,在公开、公正、公平的条件下使事情得到圆满解决。比如说网络问政、网络围观等,都属于网络监督” [1]。从狭义上来讲,所谓网络监督,“是指以互联网为平台,通过网络技术对掌握一定社会公共权力者行使权力的行为进行监督的过程,是私权利对公权力的约束,以达到权为民所用的目的。”[2]公民在网上了解国家实事,对国家的方针政策各抒己见,行使监督权;公民在网上提供信息线索,推动网络舆论的形成,使虚拟的网络变成现实监督的平台。因此,从公民权的角度来看,网络监督的积极意义就在于保障公民利用网络行使宪法所规定的言论自由和监督权。




1. 群众性

继报纸、广播、电视之后,网络已成为“第四媒体”,据统计,目前我国的网民数量已达5.13亿,手机上网用户2.3亿,人民网调查显示,有87.9%的网民非常关注网络舆论的热点问题,当遇到社会不良现象时,93.3%的网民表示会选择网络曝光。网络监督正在影响和改变着社会政治生活。[3] 当代中国网络监督的困境与出路:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_59896.html
